Chapter 7

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Slender Man P.O.V.

A howl, no, a loud roar came from the forest.

A low growl erupted from my throat. The pesky creatures have returned to the town. I slowly prop myself up on my elbows, careful not to wake Thaddeus, and listened closely to the passing wind outside the house. It seems that there are more than just one of them coming this time. I look down at the sleeping boy's face. He had a small smile plastered on his features. I'm glad that I was able to bring such a content smile to him, but I must leave now.

"Slender… man," he sighed, snuggling closer to my chest.

I groan, silently. I don't want to leave my kitten, but I must. The Wendigoes are probably planning on breaking into one of the homes. With a heavy sigh I, ever so slowly gently, lied Thaddeus on his bed and placed the blanket covers over his shoulders. The smile never left his innocent face. I brushed his golden hair behind his ear. I will return soon my Kitten.

I walked over to the window and glance at Thaddeus one more time before teleporting outside. I was now at Thaddeus' back yard, scanning the area and listening to the rustling trees. The distant sounds of growls and roars were coming from the far north. My suspicions were correct, there were more than one.I made my way through the shadows, heading towards their direction.

Animals of all kinds, birds, rabbits, deer, even the proud wolves, were scurrying away in fear. I must be close. I came to a stop when I saw a pale, naked, human sitting on his knees and cradling something in its arms. I became skeptical of the creature. Whatever it was, it's not a human anymore. I was about to walk out of the shadows, to approach the creature, before I heard heavy stomping sounds. I became still and watched as the Wendigo, the one that Thaddeus saw early, approached the kneeling creature.

The creature looked up towards the Wendigo and growled warningly. The Wendigo backed a few steps from the creature. I grew closer towards the two until finally I was able to see the creature better. Its skin wasn't pale but instead was a grey color. His face was of a human but its features were different. His large, black, eyes were almost hollow, his face was skinny but long with high cheek bones, his ears were short and pointed, and he has two large horns growing from its forehead. The creature was small and skinny, but the aura around him shows that he is far from being a weakling. This creature was another Wendigo.

The taller, and much broader, Wendigo growled at the smaller one. The aura around it demonstrated fear towards the other. So it seems the smaller is more powerful. The skinny Wendigo stood on its feet and let the object in its hands drop. It was a red, damaged, sweater. Once the taller Wendigo saw the smaller rise, it hunched down in surrender and shuddered. The smaller one looked up towards the sky and hissed under its breath before reaching down and taking a hold of the sweater. It walked towards the opposite direction of the town. The taller straightened its back before following the smaller close behind.

I walked out of the shadows and watched as they walk away. I looked up towards the sky, only to see the moon setting. Could it be that the smaller of the two Wendigoes can't be out on the daylight? Can it not tolerate the sun? The taller Wendigo seems to be fine with it though.

A huff and a loud growl were heard from behind me. I quickly teleported behind the creature before it had a chance to tackle me to the ground. The creature stood from the ground and growled as it turned to face my person. It was another Wendigo. It had the head of a moose with glowing red orbs, it had a mane that was thick and black, and its upper body was larger then it's lower half, giving him an ape like appearance. It roared a loud roar that almost made the ground tremble, in an attempt to terrify me but I stood tall, completely unfazed. Two more growls were heard around me. I turned my body only to see that the other two Wendigoes were surrounding me as well. They growled threateningly at me.

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