Chapter 8

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Author's warning* Slight lime and fluffiness!!!! You have been warned!!!!


Regular P.O.V.

Tears ran down the little boys red cheeks as blood trickled from his scrapped knees. He hiccupped silently to himself as he wondered through the forest, looking for his tall "friend." He wiped the snot from his nose with the sleeve of his shirt and came to a stop. "Tall man?" he whimpered, swallowing the lump in his throat. "The big kids were mean to me again," he explains, wiping the tears from his eyes, "they called me stupid and said I couldn't play with them anymore." The small boy clenched his eyes shut tightly as a way of blocking out the bad memories. "They pushed me and I got hurt," he whimpered, bringing his hands up to his eyes.

"I told daddy that they were mean to me, but he said he was busy working," the boy continued. "I told Anna too, but she told me that I deserved it for killing mom." A cough escaped the boy's lips. "Why doesn't anyone like me?" he finally whimpered, falling to his knees and sobbing quietly. That's when he felt a large hand lie on his head. The small boy wiped the tears from his eyes and looked up to see the creature touching him.

I like you… The man with no face stated, running his hand down from the boys head to cup his small cheek. Never forget Thaddeus, I like you and will always be here for you, he said before picking Thaddeus up and cradling him in his arms.

The blonde boy smiled up at his friend and hugs him. "Tall man, you're my best friend," the boy sighed, nuzzling his face on the tall man's suit.

You're mine as well child, the tall man cooed, tightening his hold on the small blonde.

"Let's play a game!" Thaddeus giggled, pulling on the tall man's suit. "Let's play hide and seek!"

As you wish, the tall man said before placing his large hand over the boy's scrapped knees. Small warmth spread throughout the childs legs, making him sigh in satisfaction. Five seconds later, the tall man removed his colossal hand and placed the small boy on the ground.

"Thank you," the boy giggled, referring to his now healed knees. "You count and I'll hide!" The boy cheered before running off into the forest, no longer sad or in tears.

Yes child, the boy heard the creature say as he searched around the area. One… Two… Three… he heard his friend count in his head. Panicking, the boy went further through the trees. Six… seven… A large smile plastered on the boy's lips when he saw a small opening under a large tree. Ten, he heard the tall man say before he hurried inside the small hole.

"He, he," the boy giggled before covering his mouth with his hands, trying to stay silent.

Thaddeus? He heard the suited man call. Hmm, where could this child be? Thaddeus remained silent as his heart rate quickened in excitement. Thaddeus? Come out, come out, where ever you are, the man called in a sing song voice.

Thaddeus giggled before taking a peek of his head out of the small hole. He looked left and he looks right. The tall man is nowhere to be found. He isn't even calling out for him anymore. Furrowing his brows in worry, Thaddeus steps out of the small hole.

Found you! The man said before grabbing the boy from behind and hoisting him up.

Thaddeus shrieks in surprise. He then puffs his cheeks and glares at the tall man over his shoulder. "You cheated!"

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