"the convention"

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No ones's POV

the little filipino wakes up from his slumber as he yawns and rub his eyes "good morning me..." he then sigh and gets up to get ready for the day.

Hours later he then sits on the couch, scrolling around on his phone since he finished eating breakfast and taking a shower.

He then look at the group chat to see what his friends are up to.

SnipperGod: so nekomi did you gave all of us the costumes for the convention?

JapanbutisaNeko: yep! Already done it!

HamburgerLover: WTF why did I got the garroth costume!!?

JapanbutisaNeko: cause this is kinda a REVENGE for CHEATING ON PHILIP you jackass!! And plus it suits you dumbass

HamburgerLover: ugh fine..

I can tell ame still feels guilty of himself for cheating on me...but still...I kinda feel bad for him..

SniperGod: okay..anyways nekomi, what day and time are we gonna be there at the convention?

JapanbutisaNeko: today and the convention will start at 3:30

SniperGod: WHAT!? Then we should fucking get ready or else we'll be late!!!

I look at the clock to see its 8:45AM and bruh all of us still have time to prepare our stuff.

I then go upstairs to pack all of my imlortant stuff lick toothbrush extra clothes and a sleeping bag and many more.

After finishing packing my stuff in my luggage I then lay on my bed feeling tired a little as I grab my phone to tell nekomi where we should all meet up.

SunshineBoi: hey nekomi where are we going meet up anyways?

JapanbutisaNeko: in the train station philip-kun

SunshineBoi: okay thanks nekomi! ^^

I then turned off my phone and place it on my bed as I go to my closet and open it to get change.

Later I was done changing my clothes, what I'm wearing is a brown pants, black shoes with long white socks cause why not? And a grayish brown turtle neck sweater that finland gave me which I forgot to give it to him back...I then sniff on the sweater 'his scent is still there...' I thought to myself as I blushed.

I then shoke my head back to reality as I look on the clock to see its 10:22AM damn...how long was I packing and changing? I then sigh "whatever I'll just go to finland's house to hang out a little.." I mimbled to myself as I get out of my house to go to fin's house.

Finland's POV

Finally! Done packing! I then put my luggage downstairs in the living room next to my bag which has my costume in it.

I then heard a knock on my door as I streatched a little and go to the door and open it to reveal philip.

"Hi kuya fin!" philip then higs me which I hug back "its nice to see you again sunflo- wait are you wearing my sweater that I let you borrowed it?" I look at the sweater he was wearing as me and him atop hugging "y-yeah...I f-forgot to give it back to y-you.." he blushed as I sigh and ruffle his hair "its alright sunflower, wanna come in?" I asked as he nods and goes in.

Me and philip then sat on the couch as he leans on my chest again which I blushed a little "why are you always leaning on my chest?" I asked him which he giggled damn so cute...must..protect him... "I d-don't know a-actually it just feels c-comfortable" he stutters as I sigh and pet him "whatever you say sunflower" philip smiles as me and him just enjoys the comfortable silence.

"Wanna watch mystreet?" I asked him which he smile purely oh god...my heart..! "Yes! I wanna watch mystreet!!" I chuckled as I grab my phone for me and philip to watch some mystreets.

Hours later me and him finished watching mystreets from my phone as I look to see philip was crying "w-why did aphmau stabbed A-Aaron?" I chuckle as I ruffle his hair "she got hypnotized by that werewolf man named ein" he ghen wiped his tears "I-I know just why..?" I laugh a little as I hugged him "its alright sunflower" I said in a soft tone making him calm down mybe its best time to tell him...

I stopped hugging him as I hold his hand "sunflower..theres something I wanted to tell you..." he then raise a brow "w-what is it fin?" I sigh and leans closer to his face "I..." I was about to say it but someone barge in the door as me and philip flinched and turned around to see nekomi "OI ITS 1:22PM LET'S GO AL-" nekomi was cutted off herself as she look at us as she smirks "geez if you guys are gonna kiss then you should've lock the door~" she teased " YOU LITERALLY BARGED IN HERE! AND IF I DID LOCK IT YOU WILL KNOCK LOUDLY" I shouted as she giggles bruh this girl... "I'm sorry for barging in finland-kun but the others are now in the train station except for you two and me so come on grab your things and lets go!" she ahouted as she went out of the house as I sigh and stand up to grab my luggage and the bag "philip you should go back home and grab your stuff" he noded as he ran back to his house as I sigh.

Philip's POV

I ran as fast as I can until I reach my house and goes in to get my stuff.

After that I just walked to the train station with my luggage and my bag.

Hours later finally im at the train station!! I then saw my friends as I run towards them.

"You made it!" nekomi said in a happy tone.

Finland then walk towards me as he hugs and kiss my forehead which made me blush "w-what was that f-for?" I stuttered which made him chuckle "its because you're so cute like a potato~" finland teased as I blush even more "k-kuya~!" I whined as he pat my head.

I then noticed that estonia looks kinda sad when she look at us and I look at ame who is looking away from me, I can tell he regrets cheating on me...

"Hey guys our train is here!" nekomi points at the train as we got in.

Minutes later the train start to move as we all take our seat.

I was just sitting alone until ame sat next to me..great..

I just thought to myself but I heard giggling and laughing as I look to see ame and peru are being love dovey as I sigh in a sad tone and loook away from the two..

Finland noticed me as he stand up and sat next to me "did something happened?" he asked "n-nothing just...looking at them I sigh as I look at him to see fin is pissed off bit he shrug it off "don't focus on him sunflower, just be happy we're all going to the convention!" he smiled with a tone of happiness which I blush "r-right kuya fin!" I stuttered which he laugh and wrap his arm around my neck as I lean on his chest and feel comfortable.

Estonia's POV

I look at the two with a sad expression 'looks like finny found someone better...' I then sigh and just be happy that he found someone else...I'm happy for you finny...I hope you and philip will be together soon...and maybe get married and have childrens- wait what am I thinking? I mean they're a cute couple but sadly they aren't "uhm you okay esti?" I look at czech "o-oh! Nothing just thinking..." he then smile and kiss me "if its about philip and finland just be happy for them..." he smiled as I giggled and nod..

No one's POV

Finland and philip fall asleep on eachother while the nordics noticed even nekomi did as she fangirls quietly as the other countries giggled and laugh quietly at the two that are sleeping peacefuly and let's just say....they have taken a lot of pictures.

Imma end it here but I will make a " the conventions 2" tomorrow so oof-

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