It's Biological

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It's Biological
Season One: Episode 7

"I have to talk to him. Alone," Said Rachel. She leaned over the sleek table, eyes following Dick as he paced the room.

"Don't think that's a good idea." Said Dick.

"Why? 'Cause I can't take care of myself?" Rachel asked.

"That's not the point."

"I need to find out who he is," She argued. "Why he's chasing me."

Calvin and Gar leaned against the counters silently. Like magnets, their bodies were pressed together. They didn't even notice it.

"I don't trust him." Dick said.

"What's not to trust? The man's tied up. One word from Rachel, and I'll walk in and out my foot through his face." Kory interjected.

"Dick, please." Rachel insisted.

Dick stopped pacing. He looked at Rachel and sighed. "Five minutes." He said.

"Thank you," Said Rachel. She started to walk away but stopped to look at Calvin. "Are you coming?"

"What? Me? I-I thought you wanted to talk to him alone?"

"We're connected, Cal, so whatever he tells me you should know too. You can hide behind the wall, or something." She said.

Calvin nodded. He followed a few paces behind Rachel. He looked at Gar over his shoulder. Gar shot him 2 encouraging thumbs up.

Calvin hid behind the wall as she slid the bathroom door open. The chained old man invited Rachel inside. As if he had a choice.

Rachel glanced at Calvin. She snapped her head forward then slowly inched into the bathroom.

"Child," He said. "There's nothing to be afraid of. Close the door."

Rachel hesitated.


Rachel started to close the door. She looked at Calvin. He could practically see the nerves bouncing off of her. He offered her a small nod of encouragement. That's all he could give.

She shut the door.

Calvin exhaled in relief. He leaned against the door to ensure he didn't miss a thing.

"We have waited a very long time for this moment."

"What do you want from me?" Rachel asked. She tried to sound tough.

"To help you. You think you're a monster, that there's evil inside you scratching to get out. You see it each time you look in the mirror. In your dreams."

"But you're not death, Rachel. Quite the opposite. You were not placed on this Earth to destroy, but to heal. To save us. I'll prove it."

A pause followed. Nothing but the scraping of metal could be heard.

"Put your hands on this rended flesh," Glass shattered. "Save me!"

"No!" Rachel cried out.

Calvin yanked the door open. He rushed into the bathroom and gasped. The old man had slumped over, blood spurting from his neck. He gurgled on it, choked even.

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