Chapter 6: First Impressions and the Fight

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As always, Metal is my own OC, I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, or Steven Universe.

Metal's POV

I wake up and look at the clock next to me. 10:00 AM. I instinctively try to go back to sleep, but I suddenly felt a presence above me. I sit up and open my eyes to find nothing, "Huh," I say to no one in particular "I guess I'm just sleepy." I lie back down, only to sense the presence again. "Alright, who's messing with me," I say as I get up, still drowsy. I suddenly can't see and feel something on my face. "Guess who?" the person questions. I grin as I immediately know who it is, although I decide to play along. "Hmm," I say, "is it Fu?" "Nope." "Broly?" "No." "Turles." "Nope!" "Who could it be than?" I reply, pondering.

"It's Spinel, silly!" she says as she releases her grip and lands in front of me. She hugs me tight, and I do the same, "So," I question "how are you feeling?" She looks down, frowning, "Honestly," she says "not that good. I can't believe they were going to shatter me and kill you! I hope they regret it." "Well let's just say, they most likely do," I reply. She tilts her head saying "What do you mean." "Let's just say, I didn't like the way they treated you. When you were poofed, I grabbed you and blew up the planet, most likely erasing that dimension from existence as well," I say to her, hoping she wouldn't be mad.

She then just stares at me, which is actually making me nervous. Should I not have destroyed them? But, they deserved it after what they did to her! "Good," she finally says, which actually caught me by surprise "they deserved it. They only liked me for a little bit, and when they got bored of me, they threw me out like a broken toy. They did the same thing she did, so they deserved what came to them." "Well, they're gone now. No one can hurt you as long as you're with me," I say to her, cupping her cheek in my hand.

I can see her start to blush, but she doesn't say anything. "Anyway, right now we're with a few friends of mine. Would you like to meet them,"I ask her. She nods her head as I smile, quickly changing into my normal clothes. I lead her to the lobby, and there we see Fu making breakfast, Black and Mira talking, and Turles and Broly arguing over something. I clear my throat so everyone knows to pay attention. "Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a good nights rest. I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine. Her name is Spinel and she will be staying with me. I expect you all to treat her with respect as well," I announce as I slowly bring Spinel into view.

Everyone stares at her for a moment, before Black breaks the silence, by laughing of all things! We all stare at him in confusion, until he finally calms down and says, "You bring a little girl in here and say that we have to treat her with respect? I never knew you liked to make jokes Metal." My confusion quickly turns into annoyance as I glare at him, "I'm not joking Black. I don't care what you think of her, you will treat her with respect," I say to him. He ignores me and continues, "I mean, look at her. She's scrawny, from the looks of it cowardly, and is useless in every way shape and form. I mean, she couldn't even take down that hybrid without breaking down into tears," he laughs.

My annoyance turns into slight confusion, "How do you know about her past?" I question him. "You do realize that I also have a Time Ring, right? I sometimes read through the history of other universes whenever I'm bored. Hers just happened to be one of them." he concludes, pointing at her. "So," she says "I may not have been able to defeat him, but that doesn't make me weak." "Oh? Well at least I wasn't dumb enough to wait around in a garden for 6,000 years, only to find the only friend I ever had left me there to be forgotten," he concluded.

I glare at him, but then look over to see that Spinel is crying. "Ha! She's crying! Isn't that a riot," exclaims Black, laughing as the others were also glaring at him. "You. Me. Sparring room. Now," I growl at him. He shrugs as we all walk to the room, with Broly carrying Spinel in his arms. We both go to opposite sides of the room, as I hear him call out to me, "I hope you're ready to lose Metal! I've been training for this day," he shouts. I ignore him as I get in a ready stance, and so does he.

"Prepare to taste the wrath of a god," Black yells as he charges at me. He punches me in the face, following up with a kick to the ribs. He backs up and knees me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. He suddenly transforms into his Super Saiyan Rosé form, which slightly surprises me. "This is my full power Metal! Prepare to witness it!" he states while he forms a pink blade, charging at me. I sidestep out of the way, while I continue to dodge his slashes. "Give me everything you got into one blast Black," I say calmly. I see confusion on his face, but is then replaced with a smirk, "Fine," he says "if you want to die so badly, I'll give it to you!" He starts to charge a Kamehameha, "KaaaMeeeHaaaMeee," he chants as he thrusts his hands forward "HAAAAAA!!!!" I suddenly get engulfed in a giant pink beam.

"NOOOO!!!" I can hear Spinel say. I start to walk towards Black, who seems to be in pure shock that I'm simply walking through his attack. When I finally got near him, I grabbed his wrists and shoved him back. "You say that's your strongest attack," I say, almost laughing "let me show you real power." I start to power up, creating shockwaves in the process. I finally power up to one of my other forms: Super Saiyan God. All I can see is Black starting to shake, "H-How," he asks, his voice trembling. "I'll tell you later, but for now, let's see if you can handle this," I say while I get into a stance.

I start to charge a blue sphere in front of me, finally shouting, "X100 BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA!!!!" Black gets completely engulfed in a giant energy wave. By the time I was done, the top half of his gi was completely gone, showing off his burn marks. He falls to his knees as I walk up to him. I whisper into his ear, "You mess with her, you mess with me." I walk away with Spinel running up to me, as she holds on to my arm, while everyone follows behind.

Man this chapter was fun to write. I know I say this a lot and I'll keep saying it, but thank you all again for taking the time to read this, I really appreciate it. Anyway, I'll probably do another chapter sometime over the weekend, so look out for that. And with that, I will see you people later!

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