Chapter Eleven (Suprise!)

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A/N: Hello my fantabulous Readers!!!!!!!I'm thinking of starting to work on this more regularly again as well as my new story Mine. I started writing this chapter when the views hit 500 and it's getting popular, so I don't know what it's at now but thanks for 500!

 I started writing this chapter when the views hit 500 and it's getting popular, so I don't know what it's at now but thanks for 500!

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I have been here, zip tied to this rusty on chair in a cold damp warehouse for the last two hours. I took this time to think, to re evaluate everything. Caleb was giving instructions to his stupid muscly minions. He turned around and walked over to me.
"Hello there Cora" I hated the way he said my name the way he dragged out each syllable. At this point I was scared to fight back. I knew damiar would never hurt me, even when he took me into that dark room he couldn't bring himself to do any actual harm he loved me too much. To Caleb on the other hand I was just a toy, something to lure damiar in. Perhaps something to play with while he was bored but if it came to him killing me he wouldn't think before pulling the trigger. He leaned down to reach my each level "Are you going to say hello?" Caleb asked
"Hello" I grumbled still struggling to maintain composure after whatever he injected me with.
"That's better" He said and got up turning around to his minions. The shortest one glanced down at his phone and then looked concerned. Gunshots rung through the air. Caleb turned around and growled to himself. He signalled the guards to go investigate. Caleb strides over towards me. "Ugh I fucking hate you boyfriend" Caleb said
"Fiancèe" I said
"Jesus Christ he's sickening" Caleb said cutting off my zip ties
"So you don't agree with kidnapping" I said
"Oh no the kidnapping playthings is fine I hate the way he treats you" Caleb said helping me up "He treats me like a person" I said
"I know I'll be treating you like an object so get used to it" He said and let me go to stand freely, my hands still bound. "Come on" He said leading me over the same SUB. I glanced at his belt to see a handgun attached. Cooperate. I tried to follow but instead stumbled forward and fell. Caleb rolled his eyes and turned around "I think I have you a bit too much" Caleb said and picked me up carrying me into the front seat. He tied my feet to the seat and shut the door. He went around the other side and into the drivers seat. He pressed a button and I heard sound click of a child's lock click into place. I could still feel damiars button pulsing in my pocket. I fucking hope this has a tracker in it. Caleb went to drive out into the highway when I saw 30 unfamiliar off readers in the way. The sunroof opened and out came Damiar guns Ablazing. He had a rifle and was shooting at the tires. Caleb pressed his foot at the gas and started going at full speed. The car jolted forward zooming past Damiars squad. The cars followed us down the highway until one of calebs tires had finally been shot, the car skidded along the road and rolled over. The windows smashed and the car was flipped upside down. I was hanging from my seatbelt and Caleb had chosen not to wear his. He was face first in the glass a bloody mess. I could hear his faint breathing so he was just unconscious. I heard a crowd of men's footsteps against the road and commands being given. I could see them from the rear view mirror looking around the back and in the trunk until one of them looked in the front. "She's in here!" One of them shouted out. The familiar sound of Damiars boots clipping against the granite. He leaned in through the broken glass windshield and undid my seatbelt. I fell down a little bit though still hoisted up by my feet tied to the chair red blood dripped down onto the windshield.  I could feel the inside getting hotter and hotter and the air getting thick with smoke. Somebody leaned in and cut away the restraints. I fell down and groaned. Damiar leaned in and pulled me out of the totalled car carrying me out of it just in time before it burst aflame. He carried me into the backseat of a car and laid me down so that my head was resting on his lap. "Hey baby" He said shakily silent tears falling down his face.
I could feel my eyes slowly closing drifting in and out of consciousness. "Stay awake baby come on" Damiar pleaded tucking my hair behind my ear "Please baby please" He said
I groaned and opened my eyes looking up at Damiar. "We are just going to go to my office and the doctor is going to fix you up okay?" he said. I tried to fight it but I fell back unconscious sleeping in my soon to be husbands lap.

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