Chapter Sixteen

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I slept through the drive to New York, and on the boat ride across the water

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I slept through the drive to New York, and on the boat ride across the water. I woke up on the couch next to Damiar who was watching TV. "You were so tired! Didn't you sleep at all last night?" He said with a goofy smile, I didn't. I sat up "Is the girl okay?" I asked
"She's fine don't worry, she's at her mom's house completely safe and sound," He said gazing off to the water's edge. I wanted to believe him, but something about the way he was acting told me some little detail of that was a lie. I nodded my head. He pulled me in close and held me in his arms, "Is Tyrone okay?" I asked looking up at him, Damiar still refuses to make eye contact with me, and kept silent. "Damiar?" I asked looking up at him
"What do you think of the Maldives for our honeymoon?" He said trying to change the subject
"Damiar" I repeated
"He's alive" Damiar mumbled
"What does that mean?"
"He got a warning" Damiar growled
"He didn't need a warning," I said moving away from him, my anger made Damiar turn around to face me.
"He deserves worse, the only thing that stopped me in that moment from blowing his brains out was you. Never forget that" I gulped the lump in my throat.
"Is that why you keep my around?" I asked Damiar scrunched up his face confused
"Because it stops you, it makes you think about things?" I asked
"I keep you around because I love you," He said to me, I nodded still not knowing if that was even true. Was he capable of love? Damiar confused me, he never wanted to hurt me. Some days he would love me, and I would love him and all would be well in our little Disney movie. But some days he would scare me, really really bad.
"Now, Maldives?" He asked
"Yeah that'd be fun we could stay in those little huts," I said while Damiar began rubbing my hand.
"Sorry baby," He said, sounding apologetic
"It's okay" I mumbled
"No, it's not, I need to cool down," He said and got up. He walked outside onto the porch. I watched him through the glass as he pulled out a vape. I knew Damiar smoked, he just never did it in front of me. He tried to quit when I had my accident but he couldn't. I got up and brought the blanket with me.

A/N: just pretend it's night in the photo

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A/N: just pretend it's night in the photo

He puffed out the smoke in rings through his nose, I sat down next to him. "Damiar smoking isn't good for you," I said to him, he shrugged "A lot of things I do aren't good for me"
"Am I good for you?"
"The only thing that's good for me is you"
"Not smoking helps too"
"It helps in a different way"
"Then let's pop out the whiskey while we're at it! Hey, why don't we go do acid!"
"Come on baby"
"Fine Dami, but when we are old and married and you die at 43 from lung cancer and you leave my alone with our kids that's on you" He sighed and set down the vape. "Fine whatever," He said, I hugged him. "Kids?" He asked with a smile
"Unless you didn't want them" I was getting to him, slowly but surely I was getting to him.
"Of course I want kids I love kids!" He exclaimed, "I'm so happy!" He sang out, so loud it startled the birds to shift in the trees. I laughed a little as he picked me up and spun me around "Oh I can't wait!" He said I didn't mind the idea of having a family with him, being married to him, having a life with him. It was just a few major things that got in the way,  very major things. "Oh, baby I'm so excited!" He said to me
"Wait until we're married first buddy" I laughed as he started slow dancing with me to the sounds of the ocean
"I can wait a month.. plus nine months... I can wait eleven months." He said
"Can you put on some music?" I asked as he swings me around
"Alexa play Just the way you are!" He called out

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