Chapter Twenty Three

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I was waiting in the living room eagerly. Damiar has gone to pick up Maxine. Or as she liked to be called Max. Max had been in the system since she was a new born, she was meant to be really sweet. She was one year and had just started walking. We set up a spare room really cute for her because our social worker told us she was a very girly 1 year old. There was a knock on the door. I excitedly walked up and opened it to see Damiar holding little max. "And over here is Cora" Damiar said having a conversation with the baby who was just babbling in gibberish. "Oh my goodness she's so cute" I squealed as Damiar handed her over to me "She's very talkative" Damiar laughed and I shrugged. She had these big chocolate eyes and curly chestnut hair tied up in two pigtails. "Hi Max" I said to her and she liked up at me smiling "You wanna go see your new bedroom?" She nodded and my heart just melted right then and there. We walked upstairs into her new pink room "Wow" She said looking around "Me?" She asked and Damiar chuckled

"Yes its for you" She started laughing and I set her down. She waddled around giggling and picking up things. She'd already found the princess Tiara we laid out on the floor putting it on . "Fanks" She smiled goofily
"You hungry?" Damiar asked and she nodded waddling over.

We walked into the kitchen and sat her down at the chairs "What do you wanna eat Max?" Damiar asked
"Food?" She said unsurely and we both laughed
"What kind of food?" I asked her
"Stawbies!" She squealed and Damiar reached into the fridge. He cut them up and put them in a little bowl handing them to Max who just devoured them. The sweet juice dripped down her chin "Yummy" She smiled with seeds stuck in her teeth "This calls for a photo" Damiar laughed taking out his phone "Say cheese"
"Cheeeese!" Max squealed.

Hours of showing her around and letting her explore she was finally asleep in her bed. "Can't we just adopt her right now?" I begged and Damiar nodded
"It might take a few days to process but it's doable" Damiar said and I kissed him
"Wasn't Aviva supposed to come over today? Remeber we made plans like ages ago? Before Max?"
"Oh shit they were too-" Damiar was interrupted by a knocking at the door. "Uh oh" Damiar walked over to the door
"Hey guys!" Aviva squealed hugging Damiar as her and Golden walked in
"Shh the baby's sleeping" I said holding a finger up to my mouth, Aviva looked confused
"What baby?" She asked
"Max? Foster kid?" Damiar reminded her
"Oh yeah! Holy shit she's here already?" Golden asked and Damiar nodded
"So can you like hush up" Damiar whispered and Golden nodded
"Sorry" He whispered with a cheesy smile. We all sat down on the couch and cracked open a few beers.

An hour or so later the pattering of little feet interrupted our conversation. I turned around and Little Max was standing behind the couch in her pyjamas rubbing her eyes yawning. Aviva looked over to me smiling, Max without saying a word just waddled up to Damiar and sat down on his lap. Damiar glanced over to me holding back laughter "Did we wake you up?" He asked Max and she nodded yawning. "Do you wanna go back to bed?" He asked and she nodded again. Damiar picked her up and started walking her back upstairs. Aviva literally had to hold her mouth closed before Damiar took max into her room "Holy shit that is the most adorable thing ever" Aviva laughed and I nodded
"Who woulda thought little old Damiar as a dad" Golden chuckled and I shrugged "I'm serious though Cora you've really changed him for the better" I smiled. He's right though, He's way different since I first met him, though so am I? Damiar walked back down the stairs empty handed "She's asleep" He whispered as we all gave out quiet cheers. Damiar sat down next to me and I cozied up next to him. For the first time in a long time I was feeling happy.

A week turned to a month, days went fast. We went to the beach, out for lunch, to museums and playgrounds. We had now had her for around six months. She bit into the big strawberry since Damiar gave her some fruit for breakfast.
"Wow slow down there" He laughed quickly walking over to wipe at the red juice dribbling down her chin
"She's a hungry girl" I replied, she giggled.
"Should we go to the zoo today?" Damiar asked and Max nodded excitedly. We go to the zoo a lot. Damiar took to Central Park her one day and she's obsessed with the animals. She begs to go all the time it's the cutest thing.
"Okay well how about I get you ready while mommy gets ready?" Damiar asked and she nodded raising her hands to the sky "Up!" She smiled and he whisked her out of the high chair upstairs into her room. He really was a good dad, screw that he was the best dad ever. I went upstairs into me and Damiars room to get ready. I decided on something casual but a little fancy since we'd probably grab lunch in the city and Damiar loves his fancy restaurants. I decided on this

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