Chapter 2

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They heard Betty and Jughead coming towards them so they ran, thankgod Beronica and Cheryl don't wear heels like Betty does.
They made it to and empty classroom and hung out there.
"Thankgod Betty can't run in heels!" Veronica said flicking her hair back.
"Yeah but we're to fast for her" Archie said with a smile on his face.
"We have been running away since first grade" Cheryl said confidently.
Yeah they've been skipping since first grade.
"True" Veronica chuckled.
Two hours went by so quick it felt like someone moved the clocks time.
"Awww guys I'll miss you" Archie said reaching over towards Veronica and almost suffocating her in a hug.
"We'll miss you too Arch" Veronica said still being squeezed.
"Toodles!" Cheryl said leaving Veronica stuck with Archie.
"Cheryl!"Veronica yelled out to her.
"Come on I'm not that bad!"Archie said.
"Am I?"
"No Arch your not" Veronica chuckled.
After that Archie offered to walk Veronica home.

They finally got home and Veronica kissed Archie on the cheek goodbye and thanked him. She walked into the main entrance and Andre wasn't there. Where could he be?
She got upstairs and walked into her home and her father was there of course sitting at the end of the dining table reading his news paper and siping his wine.
"Hi Veronica" her dad said with a disappointed face.
He hadn't called her Veronica since forever.
"Hi daddy?" Veronica said.
Her dad stood up and grabbed her wrist.
"Ow Daddy!" Veronica said as the grip got tighter and tighter on her wrist.
"Don't you ever EVER talk to that Andrews boy again!" Her dad yelled.
"Why!" Veronica yelled as tears fell down her face.
"Because his father is a backstabbing asshole (not really)!" He yelled and slapped Veronica across her face.
"OW! Daddy I'm talking to Arch no matter what he's my best friend!" She yelled holding her cheek.
"If you do I'll disown you!" He said with no hesitation at all.
"Well I guess your not my dad anymore HIRUM!" Veronica had a smile on her face cause she didn't want to be apart of that evil family anymore.
" pack your stuff Veronica and leave don't show your face here ever again!" Hirum said with his face burning in anger.
Veronica stormed off to her room and packed all her stuff and left. she had one place to go Pops!
She ran to pops and walked through the door to see Jughead and Betty she rolled her eyes and made her way down to labon nuit (don't know how to spell it but that's good enough) she put her bag down and set up where she would be sleeping for the night.
After that she walked up to Pops and Jughead and Betty were still there! She walked to her usual booth that she would sit in with her two besties Cheryl and Archie.
She was alone this time and had no one to talk to she was just sitting there lost in thought.
"Veronica, VERONICA!!!" Pop yelled.
"Sorry Pop I was just thinking" Veronica said scratching her head.
"That's ok sorry to interrupt but what would you like?" Asked Pop.
"It's ok Pop, but can I please have a double Chocolate milkshake a burger and some fries please" she said as she handed him a $100 to him.
"Veronica this is too much please give me the right amount of money" Pop said giving her the money back.
"No Pop keep it you deserve it after all" She said smiling.
"Oh Thankyou so much Veronica" he said with a smile on his face.
"It's ok Pop" Veronica chuckled.
But she then realised that she just wasted the last of her money but she didn't care she was being nice.
"Listen up everyone that amazing girl over there Veronica Lodge she just gave me $100 and I didn't even ask for it please give her a round of applause for this sweet young lady!" Pop yelled.
Everyone was looking at her clapping even Jughead and Betty she felt loved.
"Thank you Pop you deserve it!" Veronica yelled back.
He then gave her her food and she stuffed her face with it since she hadn't eaten since lunch. She then got s tap on her shoulder it was Jughead of course.
"Wow Ronnie good job!" He said with a smile on his face.
"Thanks Jughead" She said looking into his eyes his beautiful green/blue eyes.
"Can I sit?" He asked.
"What about Betty?" Veronica said.
"She left now let me sit" he said.
"Ok ok!" She chuckled
"Veronica why are you here?" He asked.
"What do you mean Jug?"she said.
"I mean you only go to pops when you have friends with you" he said.
She stayed quiet she couldn't tell him that her dad kicked her out he would just tease her, then she thought the best of him the normal a Jughead.
"Follow me" She said grabbing his hand.
"Where are we going?" He said.
"No questions just come" she said not looking back at him.
They went down to labon nuit and she sat down on her air mattress with a Jughead sitting on the floor.
"I'm here because" she took a breath.
"I'm here because my dad disowned me and kicked me out and please don't tell Betty she will tease me for life" she said that in one breath.
He just stood there looking surprised.
"And it was for the dumbest reason!" She said as a tear fell down her face.
She didn't tell him the reason but he was fine with it.
He put his hand on her cheek and said "it's going to be okay Veronica I'm here for you"
At that moment Veronica couldnt resist anymore she leaned in and kiss him on the lips
She then pulled away
"Omg I'm so sorry Jughead I didn't mean to" She said
"It's okay Veronica your upset I understand that but I have to go I'll see you at school princess" he walked away.
Veronica fell asleep peacefully knowing Jughead was back old Jughead was back!
1026 words

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