Chapter 5🦋

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Warning before you start reading: Deceit, slight verbal abuse, Remus (if you consider him as one, but he's good in this. But someone else is not) also cussing from an angry Logan and a sad Patton
Virgil's POV

I woke up with a very bad headache. I look around to see that I was in my old 'room'. I don't know if you would even call it a room. I get backslapped beside the head. I look behind me to find my older brother, Ryu. "Hello little brother." Ryu greeted weirdly. "What do you want, Ryu? I asked. "Oh Virgil, always the one to get right to the point, huh?" Ryu said, making his way in front of me. "You've known me my whole life big brother." I said, trying to make my voice have no emotion. "You should know how I react to things." I continued. "Yes that is true little brother, but we have been apart for a few years due to those light friends of yours." Ryu said with a hint of regret. I almost didn't catch it. "Vee, brother, come back. Please." Ryu said hopefully. (Let me explain something. Ryu and Virgil were very close when they were little. But Virgil always wanted to be a light side so he could help Thomas. Ryu was fine with his life. When Virgil started make an appearance in Thomas' life, Ryu started getting jealous (cuz he's jealousy get it) because he thought Virgil wouldn't want to hangout with him anymore. The brothers had a big fight about that. That fight was right before Virgil left. I'll explain more later) "Ryu, you know I want to. But I have to help Thomas. And we both know that I can't do that here. (Also Ryu knows Virgil's a little just making that clear) Virgil said looking away. "Yea, but we could work it out. You could live here and still go to those videos and help Thomas the best you can. I don't care what we have to do. I just want my little brother back." Ryu exclaimed hugging Virgil. "Jealousy that's enough!" A voice yelled. Ryu quickly got away from Virgil in fear. "You know our deal jealousy, we get Virgil here and you stay away from him and let me do anything I please." The voice said. "Y-yes sir." Ryu squeaked in fear.

With the light sides
Logan's POV

I woke up in the commons. I had a huge headache that really hurt. I remembered what happened and got up real quick. To quick because I started getting lighthearted and sat down. "Well look who's up." Roman said looking in my direction. "Lo are you okay?" Patton asked. "Other then a huge headache I'm fine. Now where's Virgil?" I stated, trying to get to the point. "Logan I'm sure he's fine. But for now you have to lay down so we can try to get your headache gone." Patton said. "No!" I exclaimed, getting up again. "I need to know where the fuck Virgil is! Who knows what's happening to him!" I yelled, starting to walk away. "Language Logan! We'll find Virgil eventually, for now let's focus on making your headache go away." Patton said. "Fuck my headache Patton! I need to find Virgil. Deceit could be doing something terrible to him!" I exclaimed, walking away from the conversation. "And think about it. You guys are to busy worrying about a damn headache I got instead of worrying about where Virgil could be!" And with that I left. I could here Patton start to cry but it had to be said. If Patton thinks that. Virgil is his dark, strange son then he needs to worry about him too.

621 words
I'll make an authors note explaining more about Ryu and Virgil.
Anyways Until next time✌🏼
638 total words

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