Chapter 7🦋

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Warning: mentions of abuse, Janus, Ryu
Logan's POV

I have been walking for god knows how long. I was on the dark side of the mind when I felt a cloth being shoved into my face. The last thing I saw was a person who looked like Virgil. That's the last thing I saw before I passed out.

2 hours later

I woke up to my head hurting again. I went to move my hand but I realized that I saw tied up. I quickly looked around to see Virgil only a few feet away from me. And his current state made me want to cry. He was passed out with bruises, claw marks, and blood all over him. I felt a few tears roll down my face as I squirmed to try and untie myself. But I had little luck. I managed to get the knots some-what loose when I heard a door open. I jerked my head in the direction to see Janus walking into the room. But there was someone else behind him, I couldn't tell who it was but it was the same person I saw before I passed out. "Well, look who we have here. Was Logan over here trying to find his boyfriend and try to rescue him?" Janus started walking over to me and slapped me before he continued. "Well you see, Logan, we can't have you doing that." "And why should I not try to find Virgil?" "Because he belongs here!" Janus backslapped me again before jerking Virgil's chair backwards and letting him hit the ground. "Hey!" Virgil immediately woke up. "Look who's up." "Oh shut up Ryu." 'So Ryu is his name.' "Oh, but Virgil, we have a guest for you." Ryu fixed Virgil's chair so that he could see me. His face expression looked happy, but shocked to see me. "L-Logan..?" I just smiled at him. "This must be really sweet for you guys but can you shut the hell up little brother." With that Ryu punched Virgil. "Hey you can't punch him!" "He's my little brother, I'll do whatever I want." And that's when the abuse began

With Roman and Patton
Roman's POV

Patton came downstairs and was going off about Logan leaving and finding Virgil. I had to calm him down for about 30 minutes afterwards. "That's it. I'm going to get them back." "Are you crazy Ro?! Who knows what they could do to you!" "No Patton, how knows what they could do to Logan and Virgil!  Virgil has been gone longer so he probably has been hurt worse." Roman sighed before continuing, "I'm going after them and there's nothing you can say to change my mind."

452 words
I wasn't sure how to continue this chapter so the next one will have a time skip for a few hours ahead. So until next time✌🏼
483 total words

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