
1.2K 21 6

Uhm hi hehe.. its been more than a year since i updated :p. How are you guyss

Yeah so uhmm

I'm really sorry >.<

So uh yeah. There's alot going on at my home and there is the hellhol-SCHOOL thats been disturbing me

And it got me thinking that since christmas is nearing, i MIGHT (still not sure T-T) be publishing again! :3

Oh and before i forget can i ask how the frickity frackity did this get 45k reads o.O like bruh-

I'm also sorry for those who messaged me and commented here, i didn't mean to not reply to you :<

Yeah so if you have any questions feel free to ask right here or dm me :3

Oh one more, want to be friends on discord? Or no, i'm reaaaally awkward ._.

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