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{} The sky promised downpour. Ciyera bid her tribe goodbye as she boarded the Englishman's ship with her fiance, Thomas. Her friends Dropwater-Skyland and Leafblade-Pebble avoided looking at her, but when they caught her eye they looked terribly upset/disappointed. And Chief Wanakobe looked very dismayed. She felt very bad now.  She was wearing English clothes now as per custom. Her tribal clothes were too lewd, so the Englishmen told her. Thomas had told her, her no sleeved, short fur dress had gave him un Christian thoughts. She had even caught him spying on her while she was about to bathe. But he scampered away after being caught.  "Thomas is not a good gentleman," an English lady told her. "Be wary of him."

"We are all of the same spirit," Ciyera replied, confused. "And he is my partner."

"I can't change your mind but you should beware," the english lady told her.

Now as she was on the ship with Thomas, she looked at him. He was less nicer than he appeared. He didn't wave to her tribe as she did as the ship departed. He left her alone during the ship ride even though it was rocky, and made her uneasy. Luckily the ship docked in London, eventually. Thomas took her to his estates in a carriage. "Can I meet your tribe?"-Ciyera asked.

"Listen you silly heathen!"-Thomas snapped, brushing strands of brown hair from his face. He was never so cold before. "You're in Europe now! There are no tribes or other savage things!"

"Then who takes care of you?"-Ciyera asked, shocked, as they got out of the carriage. Ciyera took a moment to glance at the estates in awe,

"Myself! We are not savages, we know how to fend for ourselves," Thomas replied, entering his estates, shooing servants to their tasks. "Stop pestering me about it, woman! When you're my wife, I don't need any of this tribe bullshit or anything! Don't talk or act like a bloody savage anymore!" This mean, beastly man was different from the kind speaking, curious English guy who came to Ciyera's village.

Ciyera's eyes watered. "But a tribe is more than taking care of yourself, it's part of you! Being an Navesink is who I am, I can't forget my being!"

"Shut up woman!"-Thomas exclaimed, exasperated. He grabbed Ciyera's hand, and pulled her upstairs. Then threw her on the bed. "You won't forget being a savage? How about I knock the savage out of you, and you bare me English kids?" She was shocked and scared. She was familiar with partners but not even aggressive male beasts were sick like this!

 He crawled on Ciyera, and begin to rip her bodice as he hitched her skirt up. "No!"-Ciyera was frightened even though she was familiar with the mating dance. This was violent, and she feared Thomas. Not even the most viscious beasts did this. Thomas was kissing her neck, and putting his hand up her skirt. He had pulled her bodice off until her brasiarre was only visible. He tried to unhook her brasairre; when swiftly kicked Thomas between the legs. He kneeled over in pain. Then putting her dress back on, she ran out of the mannor, and into Thomas's carriage.

 She rode to the port, putting her clothes back on. She stowed away on the first ship she could find. She wanted to go home. Thomas was sick man, he did not have a spirit like the Indians believed all beings had. She hoped a beast swallowed him up, but the poor beast would eat pure filth.

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