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The dance went faster, Edward spun around quickly; and a new partner was his partner. Some of his partners tripped or flew while they switched very quickly. By accident males were paired with males, and females with females. {} Then the room went silent as everyone stopped dancing and looked up. Ciyera walked in from the entrance at the top of the steps, in her feathery blue gown.  Clicking of Ciyera's glass heels could be heard as she walked down the stairs, while Edward  slowly walked towards her.  "How do you do?"

"Fine, how about you, your highness?" She curteysed to Edward when she reached the bottom of the stairs,. Edward lifted her up from the curtesy.  Then he gently took her hand, lifted it, and gently kissed it. She smiled at Edward. When Edward held his hand out again, she placed her hand in it.

Then Edward  led Ciyera around himself, by her hand. Then held her so they spun around with two hands on one side holding on in the waltz position, and the other 2 hands holding on behind the Ciyera's back. And they waltzed to the center while everyone moved to watch. Then they faced each other back to back from the right, then from the left side. Then Edward moved Ciyera across him by her hand, until they were almost side to side(Ciyera in front) but holding both hands. They waltz danced forward, then backwards.

Then Edward and Ciyera's hands touched diagnally, and they spun around once, then went into waltzing and they waltzed. "Where do you hail from?"-Edward asked Ciyera.

"Much beyond the borders of England," Ciyera replied, putting one hand on her waist, as they danced back.

"That is far," Edward replied, as Ciyera spun around, facing away from him but towards him. And Edward lifted Ciyera like a ballerina.

Then Edward lead Ciyera around him by holding her hand. Then Edward twirled Ciyera around then their hands touched diagnally, and they spun around once, then went into waltzing and they waltzed. Edward & Ciyera waltzed into the upper garden.

Then the males(including Edward, Maximilian, Robert Dudley, Barnaby, Guilford, Eustice, Henry, Henry, Charles, Louis, George, Edward Seymour, King Francis, Prince Henri, Thomas WyattJr) spun the females in a waltz, after twirling the female, who turned; they ended waltz where the females' they were side to side, and thef arms connected to the male from her back. Then the male twirling the female around him, while letting go of one hand. Then the male moved the females across them by the females' hands; until they were almost side to side. Except the females(including Ciyera, Mary Tudor, Elizabeth, Jane, Catherine Grey, Katherine, Anne Boleyn, Anne of Cleves, Mary of Hungary, Katherine Parr, Jane Parker, Mary Boleyn, Mary of Scotts, Kitty) were in front. The males put their arm behind the females, and the females leaned back. Then they waltz-skipped foward like deers in a circle; the females bouncing their heads up with a swish of their hands. Then the females and males faced each other, like a waltz but side to side, facing opposite direction. They waltz-skipped forward in the same way. Then the females and males turned around each other, while females twirled & males spun gracefully; all without touching, while skipping foward. Then both the females spun diagnally around in front of the males, while the males kept their arms behind their back, folded; and waltz-skipped foward. Then the females were twirled around while lead around the males, who turned with one arm behind their backs folded.

Then the females were lifted to the side, then spun around the males still held in mid air; in Spanish style. Then the females were tossed back in front of the males, the females spinning around, and the males turning around them. The female and male turn to face each other, and waltz in strides. Then the males toss the females sideways again, then spin around with them a few times before the males lead the females around half way while turning around the females, pulling them into waltzing again. They waltz in circles, spinning around. All couples form a spiral. Then they break out of the waltz as the females crossed past the males, holding hands at the center; while tossing their hands. Then the females twirling across the males, with the males holding their hands from behind the males' back. Then the females dancing back the males to in front of them, and tossing their feet sideways a bit, Spanish style. Then the males leading the females in a skip, before lifting them high in the air, across each other in the two sides they stand on. Before setting them down, and the females twirling around; while the males turn around with their arms behind their back. Then the males lead the females around them by the hand; before they are in the waltz position except side to side with the females' hand behind her back. They spin in a waltz a few times before only their diagnal hands touch. Then they lightly toss those hands back, and then toss the opposite, diagnal hands back; while turning around in a waltz. Then the male twirls the female half way, while the male turns half way. And they do the sideways waltz with the hands connecting behind the female's back, again. Then they both let go , dancing towards each other into a regular waltz, with twirls while they both turn. At the garden with the fountain fountain outside the upper balcony; Edward and Ciyera are waltzing, and diagonally touching hands, turning them Edward twirling Ciyera.

CiyrellaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant