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{0:30+}Ciyera and Edward were in a carriage in wedding attire; a featherly, pearl wedding dress with jewel circlet/veil for Ciyera & frosted slippers. And an ivory white doublet for Edward . They travelling to Hampton Court, with all of London cheering as their carriage passed by. "Long live Prince of Wales, Edward and the future Princess of Wales, Ciyrella!"  They reached the Church, and Ciyera walked down the isle; while Edward went to stand at the alter. None of his family stopped him, but went to join him in the church.

 Ciyera's secret was revealed, but  as proven by the happy faces of everyone in the royal family, they accepted it 100% if Ciyera convered to a good Christian woman(in Henry's case kept the Tudor dynasty alive). The Emperor, who joyously attended, held no grudges, and considered himself lucky the stubbornly protestant English prince's wife was at his court, absorbing Charles' Catholic beliefs. And still considered it a union of sorts, since she was trained/educated in his court. 

 As Ciyera and Edward ran down the isle, Ciyera smiled at Edward. Then Edward leaned down towards her, and kissed her. Then they ran down the isle, and Ciyera threw her boquet in the air.   Elizabeth caught it and Robert Dudley caught her eye.

0 o 0 Epilogue 0 o 0

"I told you I would make you a princess," Edward told her with a smile, as they travelled to the New World so Ciyera could see her tribe again. And they could see their and England's new heir.

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