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{} In a shorter time the ship reached a warm climate. She got off on a foreign, tropical climate. This was not home! There were more colorful edifices than London but it was as modern. There were also some dark skinned people, too. She wondered the city, feeling lost and scared. She broke into tears, and sat in a corner of town. She felt scared by the decked up, slightly cold people walking. They spoke in a language she didn't understand. She learned English from the other man but knew not this language. European men were worse than beasts, she learned. She was in danger here, she noticed as some young men gave her lusty stares even if she just wore a blue dress.

She glanced at the horizon and saw mountains. She should return to nature. her panicked heartbeat steadied a bit. These beastly men could try to dominate her in their stone lives but they couldn't live among nature's heart like she could. Perhaps she could find a tribe. If not she would survive there until the spirits showed her, her way home.

She begin walking towards the forest when a gilded carriage pulled up to her. An old lady had demanded the carriage had stopped. "Philipa?" she asked, looking at Ciyera. Followed by some words Ciyera didn't understand.

Ciyera stood up, realizing the lady was referring to her name; wondering how the woman knew her name. Ciyera remembered Thomas told her people curtsy to royalty. Royalty had gilded items; and wore purple. Ciyera remembered how Thomas taught her to curtsey. She kept one foot behind the other, and dipped foward a bit while holding the edges of her skirt.

"It is her!"-Juana of Castile exclaimed to her serving ladies, and Charles' trusted advisor. "She is my last child! She was taken from me before unlike Catalina. The devil must've taken her when she took Philip!"-Juana wailed.

"Come with us madam," a man with an accent said.

"I am sorry I don't understand," Ciyera finally spoke up in heavily accented English.

"Oh, you are an English lady," the main replied. "I am Chapauys, I am a Spanis Ambassador in England. And servant to his Holy Emperor."

Ciyera curtseyed again, more deeply. "What is your name, child?"-Chapauys asked.

"Ciyera, Ambassador Chaupuys," Ciyera replied.

Chapuays looked at the others in the carraige. "Come with us," Chaupuys said. "My master would like to see you, and you seem to need shelter." He looked her up and down.

Ciyera complied, realizing they were royalty; and she would find the shelter she needed. She had a feeling she couldn't get away from the dangerous men, even in the forest. "Where are you from?"-Chapauys asked.

Ciyera told Chapauys she was from London, she escaped a bad suitor, and she wanted to live in the forest. "The forest, madam, pardon me but isn't that crazy?"-Chapauys asked.

"I have learned to live in the forest, growing up," Ciyera replied, somehow feeling it was wise to keep her identity as a Navesink hidden. She saw the hate, and disdain of Europeans against her heritage before.

"That is odd," Chapauys remarked. "Are you an orphan."

"Yes," Ciyera replied. "I was found in the forest by a kind knight, and raised by him. Then I met Thomas, he courted me, and one day he almost raped me. So I stowed away to Spain."

"Why Spain?"-Chapauys asked with an odd glint, ignoring her story. He glanced at Juana

"I was so scared by Thomas, I stowed away to anywhere," Ciyera replied.

"Oh, I am sorry to hear about that beast you courted," Chapuays replied. "But you will find yourself at ease in Spain. The men have more control."

They travelled through the city, and rested at an inn. Then they travelled the next day after the appropriate meals. Soon they reached a grand palace, with an even more ornate palace nearby. Ciyera was led in by Eustice and the old woman who spotted her. Heavily armed guards assisted them. They entered the most splendid court, and Ciyera met a regal looking man.

After curtsying deeply, she was asked some questions. Eustice translated for her. She retold her story. The man nodded at the old woman, who Eustice told her was his mother. After more talking, they showered her a locket. The emperor's face breaking into a smile. There was a dark haired woman who looked a bit like her. "It is Princess Katherine, his Holy Grace's aunt from his mother."-Eustice translated motioning towards Juana. "Because you resemble Princess Katherine so much, except darker like his Holy Grace's father; you may be his Holy Grace's missing sister." It was stillborn but everyone who knew that was dead, like Juana's father.

They begin to believe Ciyera was a Spanish princess. Ciyera didn't know what to say. It was in her advantage to stay as a princess, she's be safe from Thomas and have shelter. But if she found out her true identity, she could incur their wrath. She decided to stay, as a princess she'd make Thomas pay if she ever saw him again. Her household was among other nobility and royalty. In her household was Charles' nephew, Maximilian. He was few years older to her but kind. She was Princess Ciyera, prounounced Ciera. It meant 'black' or 'saw'. They say it fit her well for her dark complexion.

CiyrellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora