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The arrow flew across the lands, deep into the forest to waterfall filled cove. A beautiful peacock flying was in the arrow's path, when a soaring thing pushed her out of the arrow's path; causing her to soar down to the lake, but she landed on a lily pad instead. However the spirit was gone when she looked up. A harsh laugh caused her to look up. She gasped in her peacock form. Before her was Thomas Culpepper. In shock she fell in the lake, and water swirled around her. Soon golden dust followed, and she spun around a bit as she transformed into a lady again.

Thomas smiled, and stepped towards her. "Princess Ciyera," he said mockingly. "It's a pleasure to see you again!" Thomas Culpepper's boots splashed in the water as he reached Ciyera. "You wouldn't believe the trouble I faced because of you!" he told her. "I was locked in the tower of London, and tortured!" His face lost a grin, and he grabbed her hand, roughly. "See this scar!" He pointed to his face, where there was a gash across his face, neck, and back. "It's because of you!"

Ciyera wenched her hand away. "It's your fault," she spoke up. "I have left you, why do you persue me?"

"Because my Navesink Princess," Thomas mocked. "You have went from a Chief's daugther to a powerful royal family of Europe's princess relative! And I have suffered for stopping you from taking something that isn't yours." He grabbed her hand again. "After all I wasn't allowed to have what's mine!" He stroked her face with his finger.

Thomas grabbed her waiste, and dipped her, making her land in the water on her back, soaking her. Thomas appreciated the wet clothes clinging to her form. "Be mine!"-Thomas purred. "Tell them you lied to me. And we shall rule Spain together after we deposite your ''cousin'' the Emperor!"

Ciyera pushed Thomas off, roughly; making him fall in the water. "If I sceam, they will find you quicker than you like!"-Ciyera warned him. "And no one can save you because I will never say that. So don't entertain any ideas about me!"

"Fine!"-Thomas snapped, standing up. "I tried, but you are a savage witch!" he snarled. "Remain a peacock your entire life, you insufferable shrew! You will curse any man who looks upon you anyways! But remember! If any human sees you transform into a peacock, it will be known you are no Tratasmara princess; but a savage witch!" Thomas laughed, and splashed water around Ciyera again, causing sparkles to fly around her, transforming her into a peacock.

She frowned and hit the water with her wing after Thomas ran away, laughing. She saw him meet a red haired lady at the door, and enter the little abandoned manor they lived at. Inside the little abandoned manor, Thomas smirked at the redhaired lady. "What was that?"-Lettice Knollys asked.

"That was a savage Indian, I told you she was a savage and not a Tratasmara Princess!"-Thomas told her. "I dated the witch before she ran off to play princess! Now I have proof when they come!"

"Yes, it won't do for the witch to marry the king when I have my eyes set on him," Lettice purred, tracing Thomas' shoulder. Thomas pushed her off the bed, ripped her bodice off, then her undergarments, then his, and made love to her.

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