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Rain poured as Edward played cards with Barnaby in a tower in England. "I don't understand what I did wrong?!"-Edward exclaimed. "When she asked me if she were a Catholic I merely told her I could not pretend to understand."

"You should write a guide on how to offend girls who want you to be their knight," Eustice said in his thick accent.

"I merely told her the truth!"-Edward said turning to face Eustice. Barnaby tried to peer over to look at Edward's hand. "Then I found her in the garden alone, when I went to console her. But that was forgotten when I learned that scoundrel Thomas harassed her. So I went to find him!"

"And you left her alone?!"-Chapuays exclaimed. "Beg pardon your highness, but that was not wise! For all you know she couldn't been taken as part of Thomas' plan. He has not spoken a word despite the torture he receives in the tower, except the same cock and bull story of the princess being his native bethrothed he brought to London." Eustice huffed. "I admit the poor princess ended up in England after she was separated from my master's mother as a babe. But she was raised by respectable layman acting as his own Herbalist!" Eustice paused and gasped. "What if it was her whom Thomas ravaged many moons ago?!"

"No, she was a poor farmer, married with a young girl," Barnaby replied.

"That beast killed her family after ravaging her,"-Eustice ranted. "Suppose our poor princess had already had a family! But didn't tell us out of fear!"

"No, a layman who is herbalist sells at good prices. It only makes sense for an adopted daugther would take up his trade, instead of a poor farmer," Barnaby replied.

"I suppose you are right," Eustice replied.

Edward had stood up, knocking Barnaby's and his hand to the floor, mixing them. Barnaby sighed. "That's the problem!"-Edward exclaimed. "I left her alone! She was afraid I'd abandon her should we have differences! Not anymore! I shall find her, whether Thomas admits anything or not; and foil his plan!" Edward grabbed his sword, and walked out with purpose.

Eustice looked after him. "Aye dios mio, help the lad!" he said, looking up.

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Katherine of Aragorn, Mary, and Elizabeth were sipping tea and crackers in the garden outside; watching the archery contest. Margaret Pole, Thomas More, Fisher, Thomas Wyatt's wife, Mary Brandon, Francis Grey, young Jane sat too, and Ambrose Dudley. Edward was among the archerors. Ever since Edward was brought to Hampon after his parents died, Katherine became like Edward's mother as well as aunt. The queen, Edward's other aunt, was more cold to him; wanting to place the son she believed she carried over Edward in succession. But she too cared about Edward and Mary, deep down. But Katherine mothered the poor motherless(as Mary put it) boy. At times so did Mary, and Elizabeth.

They watched Edward turn around quickly, and shoot the arrow in the right direction instead of at his nervous friend Barnaby. "Trust in yourself is faith," Eustice remarked, standing with them. Eustice has gotten close to the prince as well. Though their religious beliefs conflicted; they were on the same side.

"All he does is practice!"-Katherine told the others. "Ever since Eustice talked to him, he is obsessed with finding her before Thomas will break in the tower!"

The archers begin a game with painted arrows. Whichever team hit the most opponents won. They ran through the grounds and woods, throwing colored arrows everywhere, even in the gardens. Barnaby snuck by, took a bag of color, and tied it on a string above on a branch. Then he hid behind a tree. When the opponents ran by, he pulled the string; making the color paint fall on them. Barnaby smirked.

When it was over, everyone was covered in blue and orange color. Even the courtiers in the garden. A colored Mary, Elizabeth, and Katherine stood up. Barnaby smiled sheepishly at them, and bowed. "Sorry your highnesses," he said. Mary shook her head at him.

"Young mister Barnaby's team wins!"-Chapauys announced, looking at more people covered in orange paint.

But Edward was glancing at the sky, he attatched a special peacock feather arrow, from new arrows he specially had made. And he released it straight up in the air.

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