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At court the Edward was still obsessed with archery, and searching through the forest everyday for Ciyera. They had found Thomas in England so it was assumed Ciyera was hidden somewhere in England, too. Especially after Thomas had escaped again. "Who was watching him?!"-Henry roared. For Spain would not be happy either. Katherine and Mary were dismayed too. Eustice was furious. "How did that urchin escape and hurt my other poor little princess?" he asked. Mary and Ciyera were his dear princesses, he was a father figure to them both. Henry ordered Brandon to roam all of England until they found the man. Edward himself would vow to disfigure the man if he ever came across him, while exploring with Barnaby.

But fall was approaching with its crisp breezy air among the warmth of sun; deep cear blue skies; peridite green grass; ornate curled tree branches with purple, gold, orange, red, and light green coloring leaves; and deep purple mountains in the distance. "We must chose you a wife!"-Katherine told Edward one day.

"I will not marry anyone but Princess Ciyera," Edward replied.

"Their majesties want you to be married before you inherit the throne," Katherine told Edward. "He has little faith the queen will deliver him a son, and grows nervous if the Tudor dynasty is without a male heir, should God unwilling, something happen to you before you are married; and should something happen to him."

"Nothing shall happen to me," Edwafinerd replied, "and I have plenty of time to have a heir once I find Princess Ciyera, who does not have much time!"

"Mi sobrino" Katherine said, "please atleast attend the ball. You don't have to chose anyone."

"You can say you didn't like anyone," Mary said, coming in.

 Elizabeth was behind her. "Yes, they will not force you to chose anyone." Elizabeth was behind her, and nodded.

Edward tried to smile but he couldn't. "So be it," Edward replied. Katherine smiled at him, and squeezed his shoulder. The girls squealed, hugging Edward, and squealing about the ball details.

"I am surrounded by all woman," Edward muttered, noting all his cousins were girls even Mary of Scots in Scottland who married a James; but they were without any heirs.

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Lettice Knollys was at court, while Thomas remained hidden in the woods of course. Lettice went about in business as usual, but she heard excited courtiers speak of a ball. Then a herald entered wolf hall. He unrolled a scroll. "Attention ladies and gentlemen, there will be a ball held in the Prince of Wales' honor, tonight at 8. All persons are invited from foreign royalty to nobles, to Jewelers, Herbalists, Glassblowers, to Bakers. All eligible woman must attend!" Then he rolled his scroll, and left to personally deliver the news throught the kingdom.

The whole court and London was full of Jewelers, glassblowers, bakers, dressmakers, tailers, shoemakers, florists, blacksmiths, and more running around doing their work; as business increased. Hampton Court was a flurry of activity getting ready for the ball. Katherine,  Anne, Mary, and Elizabeth were in charge of the decoration.

Bakers came around with many sweets, breads, dishes, and cakes. Tailers measured people by the dozens. Shoemakers took everyone's shoe size. Florist arranged a dozen hundred roses, sending them to Hampton Court.

"The prince is giving a ball?" - Ciyera asked while flying around as a bird in London. 

  Lettice ran out of the court, excited. When she reached the little abandoned manor she shared with Thomas, she found him sitting near the lake; tossing bread crumbs to Ciyera. Ciyera tore it, and threw it back with her beak. "Naughty!"-Thomas teased.

"Thomas!"-Lettice shouted, running towards him. "The king is throwing a ball, for all eligible ladies to marry the king! We must go! This may be my chance to wed the Prince of Wales!"


Thomas pulled Lettice towards him. "What about me? Have I not satisfied you enough?"

Lettice gently pushed him away. "You have," she replied, stroking his shoulder, "but this is different. Plus would you not like to land a princess? Or even a queen in bed?"

"I would should the queen be like her Howard cousin, Kitty," Thomas replied. "But I shall land her in bed again," he said, with a lusty look, "in addition to a princess, too."

"Then let us prepare, it is in a few short hours the ball shall start!"-Kitty said. "You shall wear a crafty disguise too!" Kitty ribbed Thomas.

"Yes, I had almost forgotten about that," Thomas replied. Kitty led Thomas inside to the cottage, but Thomas stopped. "Wait!" He bent down to Ciyera's leve, who returnedl. "You stay put, little Navesink princess," he told her. "For I shall come back to you later!"

Thomas picked Ciyera up in her bird form,  who bit him(he cursed), and threw her to his inner dungeon courtyard, filled with water. He shoed her to the water, and covered the courtyard in a net so she couldn't fly away. "Wait for me, I shall need a comfort in my bed; for sweet dreams after a sweet night," Thomas told her.

Ciyera snapped at him, and splashed water at him with her wings. "You shrew!"-Thomas shouted, while raising a gate up with a loud clank. After a few minutes of screeching, and the sound of jewels being tossed; the sound of a carriage leaving sounded.

Ciyera sighed in sadness, moving her wings, sadly.

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