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The man pumped his legs harder and harder. Squinting to see through the smoke, he sprinted, trying to catch a glimpse of her. Only hours ago, he'd called this lab his second home. Panic welled and coiled in his stomach like a fire-snake.

Where is she? He thought and gritted his teeth. The fire around him roared, louder and louder. Tears stung his eyes, and he frantically wiped them away.

He ran down a flight of steps. He reached the bottom and almost stumbled over a body.

"Ian," gasped the woman at his feet. And an explosion of relief washed over him.

"Cheyenne!" Ian said and knelt beside her.

She gripped her side. Blood oozed through her fingers in spurts.

Ian carefully lifted her. Her slender frame felt so light in his arms, so frail. "I'll get you out of here."

Cheyenne looked at him, gasping, her brown eyes reflecting the fire around them. "A man was running down the hall, and I bumped into him. He stabbed me."

Ian reached the front hall leading to the exit and stopped.

"What? Who stabbed you?" 


A fist slammed Ian's jaw. He stumbled into a wall and dropped Cheyenne. A man with a bloody knife stepped forward, his features hardly discernible in the smoke. He quickly turned from Ian and swung his blade toward Cheyenne, lying on the floor. Anger and horror rocketed through Ian.

"No!" He punched the man square in the jaw. With a supernatural rush, the man sailed backward twenty feet into a fiery inferno. 

The man screamed, then abruptly stopped.

Ian cussed. What had happened? Had he just punched a man twenty feet? Shock and fear nearly overwhelmed him. Smoke burned his lungs, reminding him of their dangerous situation. He picked up the knife the man had dropped and turned toward Cheyenne. 


Her lifeless eyes looked back at him. Empty.

Ian hurriedly stuffed the knife in the back of his waistband and lifted Cheyenne's body as the smoke grew thicker. She needed help now! He hurried to the exit. With another few steps, he rushed into the open air.

Coughing, he saw the red and blue lights of cop cars and fire trucks. He ran to the group of men there. "Someone help! She isn't breathing!"

Paramedics rushed to Cheyenne's side. After a quick assessment, one of the paramedics looked up.

"She's gone."

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