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The first thing he saw was the bottom of the desk. 

Blearily, Leon rubbed his eyes but his arm bumped against something rough, and he blinked. The bag with the bombs inside lay at his elbow. Now fully awake, he opened it and found the remote detonator—it was safe. Leon sighed and relaxed.

Why was he here?

Where was Jason?

Rubbing his temples, Leon got to his feet and crossed the small office to the closed door. He remembered fighting an automaton with Jason, but he must have passed out because he couldn't remember anything after that.

The office door opened.

An older man walked in, engrossed in whatever was on a large tablet. He didn't seem to notice Leon. He closed the door behind him, staring at the screen, then his brown eyes met Leon's. He gasped.

Leon jumped forward and pinned the man in a chokehold.

"Where is he?" he whispered fiercely.

"What are you . . . who?" The man croaked. 

Leon began to twist the man's neck. "Don't play with me. The kid. Jason Sorn."

"He—the boy—was taken to Sean Daniels. That's all I know. I swear! Please don't kill me. I'm begging you!" The man was almost in tears. "That's-that's all I know. I swear!"

Leon lifted him and slammed him against the wall. "Where is he?"

"I told you, with Daniels. In the lab. He's going to start mind programming in a few minutes."

Leon slammed the man's head against the desk and left him, unconscious, on the floor. Grabbing the detonator, he peeked out into the hallway. Nothing moved.


The floor rocked. Leon stumbled and leaned against the wall.

What the

Jude appeared in front of him, flying through the air, his white suit aflame. He slammed against the wall, splintering plaster and paint, and hit the floor.

Leon jumped forward. "Jude!" Jude frantically pounded at the flames. Leon pulled his shirt off and covered Jude's fiery backside, putting the fire out.

"What happened?" Leon said as he looked at Jude's blackened clothes.

"I got to plant three bombs. But they attacked me. The last bomb went off." Jude grimaced. "How bad is it?"

After a moment of assessing Jude's condition, Leon shook his head. He didn't say anything for a moment. What could he say?

"It's-it's not great," Leon said, finally. "You'll live, I think, but you can't fight."

"No. I have to—" Jude began to sit up, but Leon pushed him down.

"Go and find the exit." He handed Jude the detonator. "I need you to hide outside of the facility. The bombs we've planted should be enough to destroy this place." Leon paused for a second. "They have Jason. I need to find him. If we don't find you in the next twenty minutes, detonate the bombs."

"I won't leave you," Jude said, shaking his head. "I can't."

Leon gripped Jude's shoulder. "You are too weak to help in any other way. I need you to do this. It's your duty."

Jude slowly nodded and gripped the remote detonator. Relieved, Leon released Jude and sat back. Leon saw tears beginning to form in Jude's eyes.

"See you in twenty minutes," Jude whispered. 

Then he vanished.

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