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Leon set the bomb with a snap. The familiar sound of the alarm came, just like last time. Relief washed over him. He could fix it this time. He could—

He tensed. Something—or someone—was coming. He touched Jason and pointed toward the far end of the hall, the corner. His power of seeing the future had kicked in. The robot was coming. Jason seemed to understand and tensed.

An automaton stepped into view. It was the same machine that had started this whole mess. Jason raised his hand, and its head flew off.

"Nice going, kid!" Leon said. 

Jason grinned, looking pleased himself. "Thanks, Leon."

Jason's death flashed across Leon's thoughts, and he had the sudden urge to hug his brother. But wait, Jason didn't know who he was yet, again. Plus, affection was uncomfortable in general for Leon. He cleared his throat, picked up the detonator, and led the way toward the stairs. "Now, let's go find Jude."

A couple of minutes later, Leon and Jason reached the bottom of the stairs. The rows and rows of automatons stood motionless. Leon glanced around for movement. He had to be here somewhere.

Jude appeared, inches from Leon's face. Jason jumped. "Are you crazy? You shouldn't be here," Jude whispered.

"Are you done?"

Jude nodded. "I hurried. Considering what happened last time." He gave Leon a knowing look. Leon smiled. Relief that he wasn't the only one to remember the events of the last hour washed over him. Jude remembered.

Leon took the detonator and pressed the button.


Explosions erupted from the four corners of the room. Flames roared toward them. "Get us out of here!" Leon shouted. Jude grabbed Jason and Leon, and they all plunged into the feeling of free fall. In a blink, the army of automatons, the big room, and the collapsing facility vanished.

For a fleeting moment, Leon wondered if they would return to the strange river of time. What had brought them there in the first place? Had it been a mistake or God? But the river didn't reappear.

They suddenly stood in New York City. Flames, screams, and chaos surrounded them.

FUTURITYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora