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In the chasm of Jason's mind, a dream formed.

He was back in Colorado Springs, with Leon and Jude hanging on to his arm. Under him, the sounds of the freeway echoed. Ian Isaacs hung suspended in air and pulled Jason telekinetically toward him.

Ian's cold eyes grew closer and closer.

"Teleport now, Jude!" Leon screamed at the top of his lungs. "Now, now!" But this time, Jude wasn't fast enough. Ian grabbed Jason's collar as Jude teleported.

Jason found himself blinking in front of Samuel's home. Ian released Jason's collar and glanced around, surprise written all over his face.

"What is this place? It didn't happen this way!" Ian said. He shook his head and began to back away, his eyes wide.

Rachel stepped out of the house and smiled at Jason. "Welcome to Taos, New Mexico," she said, and then gestured behind her. Samuel walked out of the house. "Oh, this is Samuel Cage—Jude's and my dad, the head honcho of the place."

"This isn't real!" Ian screamed, backing away from them. "It's not real!"

The dream faded in a swirl of colors, and Jason was thrown into oblivion again. And he was lost for an unknowable amount of time.


Jason awoke. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and squinted in the dim room. Leon was still asleep. Nothing stirred.

What had awakened him? Jason's heart pounded in his chest— the only sound he could hear. He settled back on his bed.


Jason jumped to his feet as Leon—now fully awake—opened the door and rushed through. Jason followed. The hall was ablaze with flashlights and people.

Six men, dressed in black combat gear, raised guns. "Freeze!"

Instinct took over. Jason grabbed all six men with his mind and threw them against the wall.

Terror gripped Jason's throat. "ANO is here! Come on." He shouted and sprinted toward the screams. Leon silently followed him.

Another man, geared for war, stepped out of a side doorway and whipped his gun into the air.


Jason threw him into the room he'd come from with a crash. Four others rushed out, carrying a limp body. Jason caught a flash of golden hair. Rachel.

That's when Jason saw Jude, on the ground with a dart sticking out of his arm.


Jason gasped, as a sharp pain entered his neck. Then everything went black.

FUTURITYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora