Chapter 15: The Journey to prove that Michael is innocent

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At 11:00 pm, Carrie's dad was standing at the door, waiting for his daughter to come home. When Carrie arrived home, her dad made her a mean and cruel face.

Carrie: hey dad!

Carrie's dad: where were you?

Carrie: uhh I was at the park!

Carrie's dad: at 11:00 at night?

Carrie: *gulps* yes!

Carrie's dad: go up to your room! I'm not going to ground you, but I will put you on a curfew.

Carrie: yes, dad!

Carrie climbed the stairs to her room

Carrie: what have I done? what have I done? I can't believe I just lied to my dad. Should I tell him the truth? Probably not because Michael may not be our friend anymore. I should go to sleep and figure it out in the morning

At 7:00 am Monday morning, Carrie woke up and figured out she's going to be late for school, so she rapidly went in the shower, slid on her outfit, brushed her teeth, ran out to her car, and drove to school. When she arrived at school, she met Sierra at the front door of the school.

Sierra: Carrie, we are going to get Michael out of jail, ok?

Carrie: okay, after school!

Sierra: yeah! Let's go in the school! We only have 20 days until graduation!

Carrie: Yeah, I can't wait!

After school, the girls took a walk through the park and stopped at the prison.

Carrie: how are we going to save Michael now?

Michael overheard the girls outside from his prison window, so he used his light from his necklace to give them a signal.

Carrie: it's no use! Michael is innocent and I'm going to prove it!

Sierra: *sees an unusual light* what's that light coming from? *Steps into the light and began to fly* I'm flying!

Carrie: *looks up* oh my gosh, Sierra! Where you're going? *steps into the light and follows her*

When the girls landed on the second roof, Michael opened the prison window and invite them in.

Michael: Well girls, I think there's one thing that you can do.

Carrie: what is it?

Michael: *touches their necklaces*

Carrie's outfit changed into a blue dress with a pink waistband and Sierra's outfit was a casual, yellow dress with a green waistband.

Carrie: Wow! Our clothes changed! Why did you do that, Michael?

Michael: I want you guys to spread the truth that I am innocent to the judge.

Sierra: Michael, are you crazy? Obviously, the judge would say no!

Michael: just try to get more help!

Carrie: *giggles* but you told us not to tell anyone.

Michael: I'm going to let you do it just one time.

Carrie: okay, come on Sierra! Let's go get our friends and our parents!

Sierra: I got you! Let's split up!

Carrie: yeah!

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