Chapter 1 - Reminiscence

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After that incident earlier, I decided to skip my next class. Well of course i would after all, showing up in class with my tattered appearance would surely make my teacher question me and that's gonna be a pain which led me to these decision.

Well anyway, it's true i already ate my lunch so I'm not that hungry, so i'm off to find a secluded place where no one will find me. Thinking so i proceeded to go to the rooftop with a book in my hand. I just have to thank the heavens for those DQN[1] didn't took attention for the book.

Having those thoughts, i took my steps towards the school building

After walking in the hallway no one seems to have noticed me since i don't see anyone loitering around, it's class time after all. And thus i reach the school rooftop with no problems.

Confirming no one is around, i took my favorite spot, the one near the tank, laying to the floor in comfort and taking out my book. Laying in peace and with the accompaniment of whizzing of the wind as i flip through the pages.

"It sure is peaceful..."

Those words left my mouth unconsciously for I was deeply engrossed with my book. This is the only time where I get to enjoy life so I only did my responsibility of enjoying it.

A lot of time has passed and it was already sunset before I realized it. Deciding to call it a day, I picked up myself and left to go home.

On my way towards the door, I see a lone girl gazing at the sunset. Her pure black englossed by the rays of the sun, pale white skin delicate as the snow, and lastly, her beautiful face which expresses sorrow is also portrayed in her lucent clear sky pupils.

I was stunned amaze at her inexplicable beauty for a while.

[Is there someone like her in this school?], I asked myself.

Though, I, myself is an ignorant towards the society so I shouldn't be surprised by something like this but still, her beauty is something to be glorified.

But then why is she making a face like that? 'Not my business though' is what I whispered in my thoughts.

As she was still silent gazing towards the landscape standing at the edge of the parapet, I decided to leave her alone I moved towards the door.

Almost all of the students already left and the only one remaining are those with club preparing for the upcoming fest for this year.

As for me, I'm just a ghost member of literature club with the intent of grabbing books which can't be found in the library. With my steps resounding on the hallway I arrived at the classroom.

It's already empty, no souls can be found. Well that only convenience me. I go towards my desk and grab my bag when suddenly...


A scream could be heard outside and not only one but several of them. I really did get an ominous feeling from it

Thinking so, I opened the window beside my desk to look for the source of that scream. There I saw groups of people looking this way. No, not towards me but further up ahead. Realizing where they are looking at I tried looking up bending my back a little when something fall in front of me. It's just for a few seconds, seconds might be an understatement since it felt like less than a second, just a few inches from me, something, no I think it's not an object but I'm at least certain something fell off.

Still not moving a muscle for several seconds another scream was heard. Much more louder than earlier, it's almost like similar to the screams of a victim of an earthquake or storm. Then looking below, I saw something you wouldn't see in everyday life(A/N: except a certain detective kid). A corpse lie there unmoving.

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