Little blue house

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..... She then opened the door and told me to have a seat....


  "Zendya", Jenn said while taking her seat at her desk. " I've been searching around for some people to take you in and comes to find out there's people who would like to take you in."

Now in my mind i really don't want to be living with another family, just the thought of me trying to get along with more people is just to much. " Well that's cool i guess." i said, while jenn started to search around in some papers. Also what's going to happen to Prince and i , we had a connection at least i think we did. Jenn keeps on talking im in my own train of thought.


I walked up to Hazel's door and knocked. I don't know why she would want to talk to me now, and why can't this wait till the morning. Hazel finally opened the door. "What do you want Hazel?,  "I'm getting tired so make this quick." i said sitting on here side of the room looking at Zendya's side all nice and neat like hazel's. "Well, i have some information about your girlfriend." she said. ..


It's morning and all I can think about is Prince. I get up, go into the shower and also get dressed.

My bags were already packed at the front door, but I still had a little time,  so I thought why not get as much time as I can with prince.

I walked up to Hazel to see if she knew where he was, all she told me he was out doing something important..  I guess It's whatever.


I know it was bogus to leave without saying goodbye, but this is something I really have to do.  I took the bus to a very familiar blue house,  it brought back alot of memories.

Three times I knocked on that door until finally someone came to open it. A girl opened it, she was either drunk or high.  She said with a slur,  "What the secret code !" I pushed pass her cause she was getting on my nerves. I went looking all over the house, nice and clean this house was but the people living in it weren't that nice at all.

I burst through the locked door,  I knew he might of been in here. I told the girl to get out, she wasn't that cute at all btw.

"Hey, Prince why you do that man? She was doing good. "

"Shut up! " I said choking him moving him back against the wall. "If you put one hand on her in any wrong way possible, you're dead you hear me!? Dead!" I said and walked out of the house. I could hear him laughing. He think I'm playing but him and his whole should know who they're messing with.

***Zendya ***

It's been a whole two hours and still no sign of Prince.  Now that I see how he really feels I'm not worried at all about him. I'm sure I could find someone as better as him.

I got my stuff and put it in the back of the car and drove off.

***Prince ***

I got back to the house, and she was gone. I feel so bad for not saying goodbye. But I had to do something about him.


We pulled up to this nice little blue house. It was in my neighborhood too, which means I don't live to far from my bestie Mikayla! I walked up to the house and knocked. Once the door opened I knew I was in trouble.

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