A Day That Changed Everything

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Miabookworm12, your review by Ink_Paper09 is ready

Cover and Title:

First, the cover. 

Overall, it’s a really beautiful cover! I like the different fonts, the picture, and the vibe it seems to bring to the book. It looks so professional, and it is definitely something that I could see myself picking up at a bookstore and/or a library. The fonts that were used for the book was also something that I found worked great with the background and cover.

Also, I’ve seen so many authors and writers have really great books, but the covers aren’t given that much attention. In my opinion, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, yet we do. For this reason, an author who not only really writes really well but also knows to include a cover that flows with the book is the most successful type of author. And you seem to know that too! Honestly, your cover went along so well with the content, and I really loved it.

On to the title. 

First things first, I’m probably just being the OCD idiot I am by mentioning this, but your cover says “The Day That Changed Everything” while the Wattpad title part says “A Day That Changed Everything”. Just thought that you might want that pointed out. I think it would be more accurate to say “The…” rather than “A…”

Next, I wasn’t so sure of the context of the title. Is “The Day” referring to the day that she lost everything or is it referring to the day that she met or married Akshit? Either way, I thought it didn’t really fit the content. I mean, I see where you got the title from and how you can come to the chosen title, but, as you move further into the book, I feel as though it could be changed.

I’m not exactly saying that your title doesn’t fit your book completely and I really hope you don’t take it that way. What I am saying, however, is that as you delve deeper into your book, I feel as though you’ll find that your title doesn’t describe your book as much as you’d like it to. When it gets to this point, don’t feel discouraged or push the feeling away. It’s best to change the title when you start feeling this way to prevent your readers from feeling the same way as soon as you can.

Otherwise, I really liked these aspects of the book! I would rate this a good 3/5.


If we don’t judge the cover by the book, then it’s probably by the description. Good for you though, because you did good on this part.

It really pulled the reader in, making sure that they clicked on the book and started reading. The whole part of Saumya dealing with her internal conflicts, taking care of an eight year old, and having constant hospital shifts draws readers in. Because, as I always say, “who doesn’t love a little drama?”

Especially when the book is about the MC trying to deal with everything that’s going on in his/her life.

In addition, I found that the impending marriage deals also added to the intriguing aspect of the book. You manage to summarize the book into the description, something that some writers and authors struggle to do. I totally understand this, and describing your whole book, something that you pore your blood, sweat, and tears into for who knows how long, can be very intimidating. However, I’ve got to say, I’m really proud that you were able to do this without giving away every single detail of the book.

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