A Warrior's Awakening: A New Life Part 1

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cawinbush00 , your review by Ink_Paper09 is ready.

Cover and Title:

I have to say, it's a pretty interesting cover. I'm not quite sure what it is supposed to display, but I've decided that it's a person with a blue eye and a hand covering the other one. Or perhaps a cyclops with a blue eye? Also, I can make out a grey sweatshirt and what I think is a baseball cap underneath the hoodie.

I suppose this depicts the main character, Janera.

I'm not too sure about the cover being the most eye-catching cover for your book. Of course, it does draw one's attention, but I don't personally think that it's the most pleasing cover. I feel a few slight modifications to the cover could help it.

For example, perhaps making the font of the title a little bolder. I noticed that I couldn't make out the font nor the title on the cover. In addition, I thought that a bolder font would complement your cover a bit better than the current font. Perhaps changing the font color would help as well.

As for the background, I wasn't sure about the choice. I'm thinking that it must mean something to you, as I can see it resembles closely to your profile pic and well as another one of your books, but I just thought that a more pleasing background would help draw in readers. This isn't much of a large matter. There are many cover shops out there that can help shape your cover into what both you and your readers find entrancing.

On to your title, I can definitely say that it relates to the book. I can see how much of a warrior Janera and his friends can be, and I can root for the title. Just one thing: you might want to omit the "Part 1". Not because I'm saying that this isn't, but the addition "Part 1" is only appropriate if you have a "Part 2", which, when I checked your profile, I found that you didn't.

Other than what was above, I feel as though these elements of your books were fine. Perhaps with the suggestions I have provided, you can improve them.

Overall, I would rate this a 2/5.


Description, blurb, excerpt. Whatever you call it, it is simply one of the most important steps in writing a book that will attract a lot of readers. Readers like to get the gist of the book without giving away everything. I mean, the mystery and the constant questioning of what's going to happen to the characters is what keeps us turning the page. For these reasons, a description is a very significant element of any book.

This being said, I found your description to be a tad bit lacking. I found that your description had most of the basics, you know, what the story was about and what would be featured, but it didn't quite draw too many readers in. One of the things that you were missing was the, what I like to call, "pull".

The "pull", more commonly known as the mystery element, is something that can create a successful description. It's basically the part of the description where you leave the characters with the basic question you want every reader to ask:

Will they succeed?

Of course, there are other questions, such as "What", "Why", "How", and "When", but I find that "Will they succeed?" is the most important one.

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