"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!?!"

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(A/N: this is basically the first chapter from Scott's POV, because why not. Also it has some foreshadowing in it and will be referenced in the next chapter so you do need to read it.)

Scott's POV

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I heard a sarcastic remark. Two weeks since I last saw Stiles' baby blue jeep. Two weeks since I last saw Stiles. Everyone is starting to get worried, Noah says he doesn't even leave his room anymore and never speaks a word. This is Stiles. The hyperactive spaz who never shuts up for more than five seconds. I haven't exactly been the happiest since Allison died, but the others have been helping. At first I was mad at Stiles, but I know it wasn't his fault. It wasn't him. It looked like him, but it wasn't. The others keep telling me to go and see him, but I don't know if I can, the thing that killed my girlfriend had the same face as my best friend. I miss him but I'm worried that when I see his face, I'll end up reliving that moment.

I lie down on my bed, debating the idea of going to see him, when my mum walks in. She takes one look at me and says "you're thinking about going to see him, aren't you?" To which I reply with a mumbled yes. "Then go and see him, I don't need magic powers to know that you want him back." She says and leaves the room, and thanks to werewolf hearing, I hear what she says next "and maybe a bit more..."

I sigh, confused by the statement. Did she mean? Does she think I like Stiles? Well I definitely don't, right? I push the thoughts to the back of my mind and make a decision. I'm going to see Stiles. I run downstairs, skipping the last few steps. Grabbing my jacket, I rush out the door and started sprinting. Sprinting to stiles.

I skid to a stop just outside the Stillinski household, and go straight to the window, which is luckily unbolted. Stepping inside, I look at the room around me. Clothes strewn across the room, hardly any of the floor visible. Untouched plates of cold food on his desk. It really is a mess. But no Stiles . He must be in the bathroom I think to myself, but the bathroom door is open. Then it hit me, a strong, familiar smell. The smell of blood. I run to the bathroom and see Stiles cutting himself.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!?!" I yell.

And he feints.

Blood starts pooling out of the cuts on his wrist. I don't need to be doctor to know this is bad, like really bad. He needs to go to the hospital now. I could call an ambulance but it will take too long, my speed will get him there quicker. I don't care who sees, I need to save my Stiles. Mine? He's my best friend, not my property. I can't think about this now, Stiles is in danger. I pick him up and hold him close, carefully carrying him down the stairs and out the door, my shirt quickly becoming soaked in blood.

I arrive at Beacon Hills Memorial within five minutes. Having used all the energy I had left, I feel ready to collapse. But I won't. Not until Stiles is safe. I burst through the doors and shout at the top of my lungs "HELP!!!" Doctors quickly rush to his aid, wasting no time in getting him into the operating theatre.

I manage to move over to a chair, before collapsing. Not wanting to sleep until I know Stiles is safe, I try to keep my eyes open. They stay open for a while until I realise I'm fighting a losing battle and accept the sweet embrace of sleep.

I wake up with a start when I feel someone shaking my shoulder violently, it's one of the doctors that took Stiles in. "Scott he's having a panic attack! You need to go in and calm him down!" He says hurriedly, but I barely hear a word after 'panic attack' as I'm already through the door. "Stiles, buddy, it's me, Scott. You're safe, you're safe." I say, trying to keep a calm voice, when on the inside I'm completely freaking out. "S-Scott?" He says, calming down a little. "Yeah. How you feeling?" I ask, still kinda freaked out. He looks a little bit confused when I say that, but otherwise he looks good. Like good. Wait what?!?!

(A/N: So... we're back to the present. Not really much to say other than I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment and tell me what you think of the story so far.)

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