Broken glass and (even more) unexpected events

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Stiles POV

It's been a week since the incident, and Scott will not leave me alone for more than five minutes. He made me hand over my razor and checked the whole bathroom and my room. He watches everything I do. He won't leave me at night either. He tried to sleep on the floor but I couldn't let him do that, it's not fair. So now he sleeps on the opposite side of my bed, which, to be honest, I don't mind. I do feel kinda bad though, he hasn't gone home in days.

Today, I'm finally allowed to go back to school. I hate school, but I'm glad I can see everyone again. It's been boring sitting around all day everyday. (see what I did there?). For the first day, my phone wouldn't stop beeping from all of the 'are you okay' messages. Okay, that may be a tiny bit of an exaggeration. I got a few texts from the pack checking on me, except Derek. Such a sourwolf. A few of the others from school like Danny asked how I was and what happened. But that's it. There are that many people in my life who care about me enough to ask.

The only people. That's how much I matter. I matter so much to the world that only a handful of people even notice I'm gone. My emotions have been building up a lot recently. I had cut before, but only enough to calm me down, and I always made sure there was no trace of it so the wolves wouldn't suspect anything. But now all my friends know, and I can't do it anymore. I promised Scott I would stop, and I intend to stick by that promise, but it's so hard. With nothing to relieve the painful emotions, I have to bottle it all up. But I can't do it anymore.

Tears reach the brim of my eyes, threatening to spill and my skin heats up as the anger starts to spread through my body. I clamp my eyes shut and clench my fists as the first bitter tears start to roll down my cheeks, leaving faint red streaks. I try to calm down but I can't anymore. So I let it out. I let out a strangled cry, one that contains anger, sadness and pain. I launch my fist forward and it comes into contact with the mirror, shattering it immediately.

Within seconds, Scott is at the bathroom door and desperately trying to open it without breaking it. Slowly, I remove my fist from the mirror, revealing my cut and bloody knuckles. I step back and sink down to the floor, my back against the wall. Stifled sobs begin to escape my lips and the tears begin to roll freely. I think of all the times when I enjoyed life, before it all went to hell. Before the bite changed Scott and we only had to worry about getting through school, finding dates for the prom and lacrosse games. Before Scott got his gift, and I got my curse. I wish it had stayed that way.

Now it's all gone to hell. Scott is chasing his dreams and living his best life as a complete badass, and I'm here. The fragile human in a pack of supernaturals. Nothing special about me. I'm just the sidekick. The Robin. It used to be both of us together, but now I'm just in the background. It's only a matter of time before he decides he doesn't need me anymore.

Panic begins to build in my chest and my breaths once again become shallow and lose their rhythm. I stop crying and start desperately struggling for breath. Scott must have sensed the change because I hear a muffled 'oh crap' and the banging starts to become louder and more urgent. Eventually, the door gives and it collapses to the floor, it's hinges torn out of their place. He rushes to my side and starts to try and comfort me. "Stiles, it's okay. I'm here, and I'm not leaving". He keeps attempting to calm me, but nothing works. He puts a hand on my cheek and turns my head towards him.

And that's when it happens.

He kisses me.

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