Close to confessions, but enter the Dad.

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Scott's POV

I finish telling Stiles what happened, minus the creepy confusing feeling stuff, and he has tears in his eyes, then he starts to sob. "Stiles? What's up?" I ask confused. "I-I didn't think you cared about me anymore. After what I did to Allison, I thought you would hate me..." he trails off at the end, but I know what he said. I couldn't hate him, he's my brother. I need him. 'And maybe a little bit more'. The true meaning of them dawns in me. It was no secret that I considered Stiles my brother, but after the nogitsune, we drifted apart. I wanted him back, 'and maybe a little bit more'. Maybe I do want a little bit more, but I also don't want to ruin our friendship. "I could never hate you, you're my brother." He smiles, a genuine, happy smile. One final tear rolls down his cheek, and I wipe it away with my thumb. I had to approach my next question very carefully. I scoot the chair I sat on at the beginning of my story closer to his bed and take hold of his hand. "Stiles... why did you do this?" His smile fades and he lets go of my hand, curling into a ball. "I'm sorry... I'm so... sorry" he whispers. "It's ok, really. I just want to know why." I say softly, desperately trying not to upset him further. "I couldn't stand losing you. I-I just couldn't, because Scott... I l-" his sentence is cut short by Sheriff Stillinski bursting through the door.

Stiles POV

I-I just couldn't, because Scott... I l-" just as I'm about to tell Scott my feelings, my dad barges into the room. "Oh my gosh... Stiles! Are you okay?" I inwardly thank the universe for my dad's timing, what was I thinking! What if Scott had rejected me? Then I would have lost my best friend. "I'm fine dad. Scotty boy was there to save the day." I do my best to lighten the mood so my dad won't suspect anything. "I'll go wait outside so you two can talk" Scott speaks, before standing up and exiting the room.

"I'm sorry Stiles, I got called out. I should have been here..." he quiets. He almost lost his son. What was I thinking! I see the regret plastered on my dads face and realise he needs to be reminded that I'm not the only person who needs looking after. "Well, did you catch the criminal?" I inquire. "Yes" comes a feeble response. "Did it stop this guy from hurting people?" I inquire once more. "Yes" comes the feeble voice. "Then you shouldn't have been here, you should have been there. You helped multiple people, not just one. If you'd have been here, this dude would still be strolling around our town. And I would be just as I am now, but you'd be here. You did the right thing." I conclude. He says nothing, and gently wraps his arms around me. "Oh dad, one more thing. Can you get me my clothes? This gown is really gross." He chuckles, passes me my clothes, and leaves me to change.

(A/N: Two chapters in one day! I was bored out of my mind so I started writing and this happened. I'll try to update again by the end of the week. Thanks for reading! Please comment what you think so far and suggestions for what I should do next.)

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