Mexico part 2

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Stiles POV
(A/N: I'm finally ready to do this again, it will be fairly similar to the episode but there's going to be a slight change. Sorry I didn't update for a while but I'm doing it now)

We hear guns clicking all around and they all stare at us. Maybe Lydia was right after all. "It wasn't smart to come alone". This would have scared most people, but me being me, I planned most of this and assumed this would happen. It's almost funny how many times I've been threatened by killers. "What makes you think we've come alone?" I know this will annoy her. Werewolves in a hunter's home.

As if on cue, I am met with "You brought a wolf into my home?" And she sounds pretty ticked off. "We brought an alpha." I'm trying to annoy her now. We sit in silence for a moment, before she changes her tone and seems more relaxed. Menacing, but relaxed. "My friends, I don't think you are aware of your timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?" Lydia looks straight ahead, at the moon. "The part of a lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky."

"Yes, but do you know what it means?"

"It's seen as a time of reflection... and mourning." Mourning. The thing we all have to do at some point, but we never want to. The thing almost everyone in beacon hills did, because of me. After my massacre at the hospital, hundreds of people were left to mourn the people I killed. And worst of all, I made the pack do the same. Everyone. They all had to mourn, and they all still do, because I let an oni shove a fucking sword through her chest. Because I was too weak to stop it.

My vision starts blurring and I start to lose track of time, then, everything turns black again.

Eventually, I regain consciousness and see Malia and Kira staring down at me. "Oh thank god your okay!" Malia says relieved. We ended the thing between us but she doesn't know about me and Scott. We haven't told the others yet and it's not at the top of our priorities right now. Then i realise something's missing "Where are Scott and Lydia?"

Kira opens her moth to speak, but she is interrupted by the door opening, revealing a man. "They're waiting for you. Now get up and let's go." I follow him and he shuts the door behind me, and within moments I'm shoved into a room.

It's empty and bleak, but there are a few things that keep my attention. Scott and Lydia, both tied to chairs with wires; a strange device with two dials and a bucket of water. I know what's about to happen. They pour the water on Scott and the man shoves me infront of the dials. Then the rough voice of the man fills the room. "Here's how this is going to work, one if your friends has the power to heal, one does. You turn the dial on him, or I turn the dial on her." I shake my head violently. "Very well." He reaches towards lydias dial. "No!" Scott shouts "Stiles, do it, I'll be ok." I reach for the dial and turn it to 1.

After a while I lose focus and drift into my own little world, still listening to what's going on and following the commands I'm given but not paying attention at all. It's the only way I can cope with doing this. Then, through Scott's screams I hear something that gets my attention. "Kate Argent." The man grabs my hand and turns off the dial. Two more men come in and begin to untie Scott and Lydia. I think it's all over but a hand on my shoulder tells me otherwise. Before I know what's happened I feel a sharp pain in my head and I once more drift out of consciousness.

This time when I wake up it's two thinner and more feminine arms holding me, dragging me towards a hazy blue blob I soon recognise as my jeep. I then look up and see Kira and Malia are both dragging me by one arm. I regain balance only to loose it again when two soft lips crash into my own. Scott.

We pull apart, not realising what we just did until we notice all the pairs of eyes on us. Including the eyes of Malia and Kira.

Oh. Fuck.

It wasn't you (sciles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt