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Stiles POV

Great. Just great. Derek has been kidnapped by Mexican hunters and we're here looking for him. And our parents think we're on a camping trip. What could go wrong? I play with the strange card in my pocket.

Lydia and I walk towards the two guards. "This is a stupid plan and we are going to die."

"Can you save the talk of death for actual banshee predictions?"

"This is a stupid plan and we are going to die." She repeats with sas. We approach the guards and I pull the card out holding it up to them. They say nothing, just look towards a small camera in the top of the doorway. I turn the card towards it and the door clicks loudly, signalling we can enter.

As we walk through the corridor, our footsteps echo. Or I think they do. But as we move, I realise it's not us. There's a low, rhythmic thumping coming from the next room. What is it? The door slides open and I let out a sigh of relief as I see what is inside. A party. I run through the plan in my head as we head to the bar, a surprisingly difficult task with this many people around.

Two shot glasses filled with some sort of alcohol are placed in front of us. I go to pull out my wallet, but I'm stopped by a strong hand. "On the house" a gruff voice says in a strong Mexican accent.
"We're not uh-" I awkwardly reply

"American teenagers don't come to Mexico and refuse a drink."

Thank god for Lydia. "We're not here to drink" she says forcefully, dropping a bullet into the drink. Blue smoke swirls through the liquid and we stand up. The man leads us out of the main room and into an office. There, behind an expensive-looking desk, stands the leader of the Calaveras.

Sitting down on the chair in front of the desk, I reach into my jacket, pulling out five wads of cash, each consisting of ten thousand dollars. Fifty thousand dollars. That's the price we're paying for the sourwolf. "Fifty thousand dollars for Derek." I say trying to sound as calm as I can when there are men with guns standing on either side of us. "Now where does a teenager get that sort of money, hmm?"

"I have my ways."

(A/N: I'm going to do this in multiple parts so there is some stuff to read. I'm having a slight writers block at the moment but I will try to do as much as I can. Sorry!)

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