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Scott's POV

Well shit.

I just kissed my best friend. And it felt good.

I pull away and see Stiles breathing normally, but he looks shocked. But he looks sadder. Like, much sadder. Why is he more upset? Did it offend him somehow? I only did it because he was in danger.

Within a few moments of me pulling away, he is on his feet and out of the room, his feet thudding loudly against the floor as he moves. I scramble after him, quickly catching up thanks to werewolf speed, and I grab of his wrist. The one that's still healing from a slit. He yells in agony and falls to the floor. "Oh my god! Stiles I'm so, so sorry!" I practically scream, inwardly praying I haven't hurt him.

I go to help him up, but he swats my hand away, anger and hurt flashing across his delicate features. He slowly rises to his feet and turns to face me. "Scott, I-" he starts but I cut him off. "Why did you run Stiles?" I shouldn't be this forceful considering he is in pain, but I have to know. "I'm sorry if I offended you, but I had no choice. Nothing was working and I remembered the time Lydia did it to stop your panic attack, so I did it. There was no other choice." I sigh deeply, wishing I knew what upset him so much. "That's the problem. It only happened because there was no other choice, and that's the only reason it ever would happen." The boy says quietly, his eyes fixated on the ground as if it is the most interesting thing in the world.

I take a step back, unable to process the information. Why is he sad because I kissed him to save his life? As I continue to try and understand the meaning of his statement, he runs out the door, grabbing the keys to his jeep and drives off. Leaving me staring after him.

Stiles POV

I start my jeep and drive, not caring where I go, I just need to get away for a while. I just admitted to Scott that I like him and probably ruined our friendship. Ruined. A lifelong friendship ruined by a simple confession. What if he hates me? I begin to well up so I pull over, I do not want to ruin anything else today.

Wiping my eyes, I look around and see a familiar sign that reads:

Beacon Hills Preserve
No entry after dark

Great. The sun is setting and I'm here all alone. I'm here in an eerie forest in a town full of psychopathic supernatural creatures. Well, nothing's wrong at the moment so what have I got to lose. I open my car door and set off into the woods, holding my hoodie close around me.

I eventually reach the lookout point, slowly getting colder as the night goes on. Suddenly I hear a low growling from behind me, I turn and see a pair of glowing red eyes in the darkness of the forest. Well, I jinxed it. I'm going to die and Scott hates me.

The eyes come closer and closer, and I begin to see the silhouette of the creature. Then it takes one more step into the light of the moon, and I see a wolfed out Scott. "You shouldn't be here." He says lowly. "Neither should you. You should hate me. Why are you here?" My voice stays flat, but I'm actually kinda freaked out. He points towards the sky and I look realising it's a full moon. "It's not safe here today. And I still don't know what you meant earlier. Why should I hate you?" Does he seriously not understand? Or does he just want to torment me? I look to the ground, no longer wishing to see him.

Slowly, he approaches me and sits down, shifting back to normal. He pats the ground next to him and I wearily take a seat next to him, leaving a gap between us, still not looking at his face. Noticing my discomfort, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer. "I still never got my answer. Why did you run?" I sigh deeply, knowing there's no avoiding this. "I ran because I knew what happened had no meaning, it just had to be done. I didn't want to face the facts, so I ran. That's also why you should hate me."

My feet are now pressed firmly against the ground and my arm is ready to push Scott so that, if necessary, I can make a quick getaway. Nothing happens. "Do you want it to have meaning?" I feel my head being turned gently by a hand, and I end up looking Scott straight in his adorable puppy eyes. I don't speak, afraid I'll mess it up again, I just give a small nod.

The hand moves slightly, so it is cupping my cheek. "Then how about we give this one a meaning." And with that, he pulls me towards him, connecting our lips for a gentle, yet passionate kiss.

And I don't think I've ever enjoyed anything more.

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