chapter 3- Diagon Alley pt 1.

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(Outfit up above)
Sorry it's bad cause I'm tired

Rosealene pov: Dad was busy assembling his classroom so he let Minnie take me to Diogone Alley. Minnie mostly was there to buy me some new shoes and clothes. I already had my books I just needed my owl, cloak and wand. So Minnie and I separated. I got my owl naming him Dio and my cloak which was just right. The wand was the last part.

Draco pov:

"Draco! Your dad is to take you to Diogone Alley today for your school supplies so be ready in 15 minutes,"mom told me while we were eating out breakfast. Dad was already getting ready and in his office.

"Okay," I took one last bite if my toast before going up to be dressed. I was excited for Hogwarts but more excited to meet the dark lords daughter. I've heard mom and dad talk about her countless times. Of her beauty and about how they were worried for me to meet her. They never exactly told me about her but have acknowled her existence when I asked about who the baby in the portrait above our fireplace was. They must have guessed that I was ease dropping because they simply just answered with a
"I'm sure you know don't you," and with that I just answered with a nod. I didn't know much about her except that her father was the dark lord, that she was currently living in Hogwarts and that she was apparently beautiful.
"Young master, I have only one picture of the young miss," Dobby said probably knowing why I was staring at her portrait. U quickly turned my head. "Give me it," I answered him in a more demanding voice then I intended to."yyes young master, Dobby got it for you out of a newspaper," while he spoke he drugged into his ripped up pocket and handed me the black and white photo. My head went foggy for a second. They were right. She was the best looking girl I've ever seen.
"Draco! It's time to go!" Dad called to me from the next room.
" coming," I said putting the picture inside the pocket if my pants.

"Thanks Dobby," I said in a low mummble before running to my dad.

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