the night

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The night washed over Hogwarts and the stars filled up the sky like the many thoughts filling up Rosealene's head. Her father... could she love him, the most hated man to live. Possibly buy she was disappointed that he risked there life together to kill some baby. She never thought that her father was a good person by any means but she truly believed that he could possibly come for her one day. Maybe it was a dream or a nightmare but sometimes at night when she was in a deep slumber she'd see her father coming back for her and letting her rule with him. Although she did not personally agree with his ways but she did want to meet her true father. The one they claim had given her his eyes or her lack of feelings. Only a mere 3 people were aware that her empathy level was very low yet they still tried to argue that she had a good heart. Rosealene was confused to weather she was "good" or "bad" as they all say. Sometimes she truly believed to be his daughter other times she was absolutely positive that she was Snapes daughter. What was she.... who was she. .... she thought as she drifted into her deep slumber with thoughts of confusion still left unsolved.

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