Quarrels class

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The day went by slowly leaving Draco to harass Rosealene with every question possible.
" How do you feel about avocados?"
"Which teacher is the ugliest?"
"How would you kill Potter if you could?"
Currently Draco was bragging about how much better he was then that "filthy Potter."  Quite honestly Rosealene felt that there was no problem with Potter he just seemed like a lost child in her mind. Just like everyone else. Quirrel's class was the last of the day Rosalene had yet to see him yet but heard of the many rumors that he was involved in. She arrived there along with all the other Slytherins who were in the class while Gryffindor seemed to be late. They came in not 5 minutes later and they all sat there surprisingly quietly while they waited for there teacher.

"He hello cc lass  I'm professor Quirrel".
He looked down not looking at the class he did that for probably about 1/2 of the class before finally looking up. He locked eyes with Rosealene. As soon as he did so his hands started to shake rapidly as his voice started to tremble more then before. Everyone noticed but no one said anything. He stopped his teaching and just stared. He stared at Rosalene; although it was hard to pinpoint what he was staring at her fellow peers were able to see that Rosalene was the person he was staring at.

Whispers erupted throughout the room while other people just laughed at her. The bell rang and as soon as it did Roaealine rushed out of her seat not even waiting for Draco but before she could step out of the room Quirrel's voice was heard once more but this time loud and clear. With no sign of fear or hesitation.

"Rosealene please stay after class for a few minute."

"Yyes ssir ." This time Rosealene's voice shook with fear.

Everyone gave her either a synthetic look or a snicker.
As everyone left she stayed behind eyes down. Once everyone was far gone Professor Quirrel finally spoke. This time sound different.

"You're father..... do you think he was a bad man?"

Rosealene thought for a minute before answering. "How can I judge someone when I don't even know who that person is."
She stayed silent for aking time before asking.another question.

"If he came back.. would you still love him...." Rosealene stood stunned wondering how she could answer.

"Well I guess.....if he were to then........."

"Rosy come on we're going to be late!"
Draco ran into the room before thinking.

Quirrel was obviously displeased while Draco being the arrogant 10 year old he was decided to just take Rosy and leave. He wasn't able to see Voldemort's face at that moment but if he were to would he have done the same...


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