Chapter 2: The Trouble Begins

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Locked away in his lab, Shockwave had been constantly working. He wanted to, no, he had to find Megatron and bring him back to his senses. He wanted the Decepticons to be restored to their former glory. He wanted Earth and Cybertron under their control. He needed to see his vision become a reality. Total enslavement of the human race. So he built a space bridge. But this isn't an ordinary space bridge. It has the ability to pinpoint the location of any Transformer, whether Autobot or Decepticon, anywhere in the galaxy. All it needed was an Energon sample from them. And he had one from Megatron. He just had to hope he was in the galaxy. Inserting the sample into his previously untested machine, he hoped it would work as he intended. Pressing a series of buttons, the screen in front of him lit up with one single dot. Megatron was alive. And Shockwave knew where.

He was on the planet Junkion. Junkion is a planet that was formed out of the junk sent through a series of Space Bridges eons ago. It was once inhabited by a race known as the Junkions that communicated through radio and television phrases. Similar to the way Bumblebee had to speak after Megatron destroyed his voice box. But it has been abandoned for many years since the Decepticons robbed it of almost all useful materials. All that was left was a small supply of Energon. And now Megatron was the sole inhabitant. At least for the time being.

Shockwave knew his former leader would not be easily swayed into returning to Cybertron. But he didn't know how he would act. Megatron had been alone for years in his self-imposed exile. Six years of isolation can take a big toll on the minds of anyone, no matter how strong they are. So Shockwave was going to be prepared. While working in his lab, he modified the Cortical Psychic Patch technology he had created. It could be used to change the mind and even the physical appearance of anyone hooked up to it. And if he had to, he would use it on Megatron. Shockwave pushed the lever and the Space Bridge roared to life. He journeyed through in the hopes of bringing his leader back.


On the surface of Cybertron, no one knew what Shockwave was planning. But on the top floor of the Autobot headquarters in Iacon, they now have suspicions. When the Space Bridge was activated, there was a massive power surge that registered on the surface. It was tracked to far below the surface of Kaon.

A former Vehicon came in to report it to Optimus Prime.

Vehicon: "Optimus Prime, we have detected a suspicious power surge."

Optimus: "Where?"

Vehicon: "Far below the surface of Kaon."

Optimus: "How far?"

Vehicon: "Below the pits."

Optimus: "There shouldn't be anything that far below Kaon to draw power, though I believe I know the cause. Shockwave has labs hidden there and I suspect he is up to an experiment. And knowing him an experiment is not good. No one has seen him since we took control of Cybertron and the Decepticons disbanded, which means he has had lots of time to work."

Vehicon: "Should we send a guard down there to investigate?"

Optimus: "Is the power still being drawn?"

Vehicon: "Yes sir."

Optimus: "It would be best to wait until the power draw stops before sending anyone down there. Shockwave is dangerous and he could be up to something destructive. Let me know when the power is back to normal. When it does, I will go. And please ask Bulkhead to come and see me as soon as he can."


Shockwave steps through the Space Bridge and onto Junkion. The planet was desolate. Zero signs of life. Except for one. Megatron was standing menacingly on a hill, staring intently at Shockwave and the Space Bridge behind him. His red eyes pierce through the darkness that gripped the landscape.

Megatron: "How did you find me Shockwave?"

Shockwave: "Since you exiled yourself from Cybertron, I have been hiding below Kaon in one of my labs. I have been able to make many new technological advancements. With a modified Space Bridge, I was able to use a sample of your Energon to find your location."

Megatron: "Very interesting. But why? I exiled myself to atone for the suffering I caused for eons."
Shockwave: "We need you, Lord Megatron."
Megatron: "I am not your lord anymore! I disbanded the Decepticons. Our reign of terror is over."

Shockwave: "But Cybertron needs you. It is under Autobot control. We can reform the Decepticons and take back control of what belongs to us."

Megatron: "No Shockwave! The Decepticons are no more and will stay that way. My days of snuffing sparks are over. Now leave Junkion or I will be forced to throw you back through that Space Bridge myself."

Shockwave: "I'm afraid I can't take no for an answer."

The attack came suddenly. Shockwave fired his blaster at Megatron, knocking him backward. He transformed into his vehicle mode and rushed at Megatron, ramming him and sending him flying backward into a large pile of junk.

Megatron: "Why are you doing this Shockwave? I seek peace!"

Shockwave: "The Decepticons need to rise again! The universe must be under our control!"

He fired upon him again and this time Megatron was knocked unconscious. Shockwave went over and grabbed his leg. Dragging him through the Space Bridge, the planet Junkion was now left completely lifeless. But the Space Bridge did not close.


Now back in the lab, Shockwave hooked Megatron up to his modified Cortical Psychic Patch. But before he could switch it on, Megatron woke up.

Megatron: "What are you doing, Shockwave? Free me this instant!"

Shockwave: "I brought you back to my laboratory. I'm going to use a modified Cortical Psychic Patch to alter your brain and appearance. When you wake up, you won't remember this and you will once again be ready to lead the Decepticons."

Megatron: "No Shockwave! Don't!"

Shockwave: "I'm sorry, Lord Megatron. But this has to be done."

Before he could say anything else, he switched on the machine. Megatron lost consciousness and the alterations began. He also closed the Space Bridge.


Optimus and Bulkhead are standing outside of Autobot headquarters. It is late at night. Iacon is silent as all Cybertronians are in their homes. The Vehicon from earlier has finally returned with a message for Optimus.

Vehicon: "Optimus Prime, I have news. The power surge below Kaon has stopped. There is still some power being drawn, but much less than before."

Optimus: "Thank you. Do you know of a way down there?"

Vehicon: "I have a map here. It is a series of passageways but not too complex."

Optimus: "This is much appreciated. Bulkhead and I are going down there to investigate the cause."

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