Chapter 6: The New Base

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   Thanks to the calls made by Agent Fowler, the Autobots have a new base. It is once again outside of Jasper, Nevada. The outskirts of Jasper are littered with abandoned military installations. The new Team Prime base is bigger than the old ones and much harder to find. While Autobot Outpost Omega One was one missile silo in a mountain (and the second was an aircraft hangar), the new base is four of those bases put together and that entire thing is a mountain surrounded by more mountains. There are two entrances. One is for the automobiles and the other is for airplanes and helicopters used by Agent Fowler. Rather than landing on top and risking being seen, Fowler can just fly in and his vehicle is hidden. Both are built into the mountain like in the first base. The area around the entrances also has a special cloaking technology that hides the Autobots and Fowler when they get close to the entrances. All of this extra camouflage is in place to make the base harder for the Decepticons to find. And like Omega One, this base is also shielded so the Decepticons can't locate their signals. The ground bridge was installed in a tunnel similar to the one in Omega One, though it needs some work to become operational. There is a ton of storage as well for any weapons they may find, like the relics they found on their original stay on Earth, or prisoners they may take on rare occasions. The main room featured human computers as well as Cybertronian ones. There were human living quarters, two medical bays for the Autobots (complete with Ratchet's medical kit) and one for humans, an Autobot emblem on the floor, and pictures on the walls that had been captured by humans by accident or Miko's cell phone, and a mural of the Autobots. Fowler went all out to make sure this base could feel like home. Because now it could be for good.

The Autobots had time to explore their base after arriving. Fowler took that time to ensure all security systems were functional.

Fowler: "So what do you 'Bots think of the new base?"

Optimus: "This is better than we expected. Thank you, Agent Fowler."

Fowler: "You're welcome Prime. I do have one more surprise for you guys."

Thankful the Autobots hadn't looked in, Fowler went over to the human living quarters and opened the door. Out came Jack, Miko, and Rafael. They were all elated to see each other.

Bulkhead: "I have missed you so much, Miko!"

Miko: "I've missed you too Bulk! I am so happy to see you. Come on, we have to take a new picture together. It has been like six years since our last one!"

Arcee: "Hey Jack. Miss me?"

Jack: "You know it! My current motorcycle is so boring compared to you."

Arcee: "Gee, I'm glad to know all you missed was getting to go for a ride."

Raf: "Bee! I am so happy to see you! My life hasn't been the same since you left."

Bee: "I've missed you too Raf. I have been on Earth for the past four years fighting 'Cons on the other side of the country and it just hasn't been the same without you."

Raf: "You've been back that long and you never came to see me?"

Bee: "You needed time to grow up and be a normal kid. But I have thought about you every day."

Raf: "Hate to break it to you, but I've never been normal. That is perfectly evidenced by the fact that I could understand you when you couldn't speak."

The Autobots took the time to catch up with their human friends. Fowler informed them that in the six years they were on Cybertron they had all become official Special Agents of Unit E since they were all of age by then. Now they could officially work with the Autobots like Agent Fowler rather than simply "consulting" as he said before the Autobots returned to Cybertron. Everyone was elated to see each other. But of course they were curious why the Autobots had returned to Earth after fighting so hard to bring Cybertron back to life.

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