There is nothing to change

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Yehhhhh💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 another chapter is here and I dedicate it to my darling geema_p my fake sister in-law 🌝😉 thank you for been my number one fan from the first update❤️

The same thing that happened yesterday in the early hours of the morning happened today but this time I tried to avoid getting into trouble with the boss lady by answering the roll call right on time.

Like I said the same thing happened but the early hours of my morning was embellished with a beautiful dream.

I had dreamt and had seen myself working in a mansion as big as the one I am presently in I was also a maid in this dream.

It was the rich boy met poor beautiful maid dream they fell in love at first, began their love journey overcame family hindrances to their union and got married at last.

The poor maid became rich and removed her family from poverty. I was the poor maid who married an handsome rich prince.

I had dreamt from my fantasies. I had a big book of fantasy in my head things I wished for and I pray to happen to me. This things were all good things,they were the happy at last fantasies , the Cinderella Fantasies, barbie has the maid who marries a rich prince fantasies I took turns imagining them happen to me and during those periods I was truly happy because they gave me hope.

I had always hoped for this to be whah happen to me even if it was with the Adegokes second son the tall handsome one. I believe that marrying a rich guy was one of the few things that can save me and my family from poverty.

The Adegokes residence was busy than normal for a normal day which tells that it wasn't a normal day in the residence.

We got to know that the second son James was coming into the country this morning we were told his flight took of yesterday night and he deserved a grand welcome breakfast which was a mixture of German and English dish.

James was said to have travelled to England few months before I came into the house for his masters at the Cambridge University in England. He was the second and last son of the family.

The Adegokes were extravagant people and this becomes fully evident in the welcome breakfast we were asked to prepare. As a result of this I and the 2 other cooks were on it.

The dishes in total if separated could amount to 25 funnily enough only 5 people were eating the breakfast for 30. Yes I know they are wealthy but that does not demand extravagance in everything they do.

My thoughts drifted to the dream I had earlier this morning and I began to ask questions in my head but they were just rhetorical. Questions like Why is it the day James will arrive I had the dream from fantasy? Is it a blessing in disguise? Has the time for me to remove my parents and siblings from poverty come? I wrapped it up within the walls of my head concluding that fate will answer the questions with time.

James arrived just in time because all the preparations for his arrival had been completed which saved us from the wrath of Madam Veronica.

"Are you Mad, were you not taught at your house even if you have not received the training given here" the voice was Madam Veronica's and I wondered who that voice laced  with anger was directed at I moved to the back of the house and saw that the victim of  her wrath was my roommate Anjola " why will you pour the scrambles on him" Madam said again but Anjola just whimpered still not replying her which was the only thing that can save her because her reply will just fuel her wrath "you should thank God that it was James you poured the scrambles on and not Temi you would have lost your job  immediately now get out" she finally said with disgust laced in her voice.

I was already scared for Anjola but was also happy for her that her victim wasn't Temi. Temi was the last child in the family. She was the worst of the Adegokes she was proud, egoistic and inconsiderate.

Been at her beck and call was the worst you could be assigned to and I thanked God that my nature of job in the House would not make me cross paths with her.

The day went by very fast and I had not seen the face of  my Prince Charming not to talk of crossing paths with him. If I had not had an encounter with him how will we kick start our love story. I prayed it doesn't just stay as an imagination or fantasy.


My hope was shattered when James got engaged Two weeks later apparently his return to Nigeria was to get engaged to the daughter of Adeleke a very affluent man known by all in the country.

According to what I heard the engagement was not arranged by the families but supported. The celebrity blog gist covered the story of the only bachelor in the Adegokes family that was taken away from the eyes of single ladies by the renowned single  Tiwatope.

It was said that he(James) is now free from the prying eyes of women wishing he marries them which includes me. The day of the engagement didn't spare the maids in the house cause we worked our 'ass' out.

The day had ended with me having a migraine which was as a result of the stress I passed through and the news that hit me that day.
I was like someone who had his lottery ticket and lost it. I had lost my only means of surviving for now but what could have happened when I was not even in charge of cleaning and laundry.

If I was it would have been easier to meet James. Throughout our the weeks that passed I only saw him from afar thrice.

My hope was truly shattered and there was nothing I could do fate has taken it course and there was nothing I could do; I could not stop the engagement from taking place and I won't be able to stop the marriage from being held. I was not the only girl that needed James as a savior from poverty.

Even in this mansion I know it was not only me that wished for the cause Cinderella's life took to to be the same for her. It was merely fantasy and still remained one. I had lost the only hope for now.

And there was nothing I could do to change it.
There is nothing to change

Happy new month lovelies❣️
Welcome to my month and the month of grace
Thank you for 32 reads and seven votes within the short period I updated I am overwhelmed
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I love you all 😘
Don't forget to;
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We are humans
We are strong 💪
And it's a conquest 💃🏻

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