One can never be too prepared

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The echoes of the voices of love had kept me sailing through this storm 🌸🌸🌸

I love you all more than you can imagine thank you for giving this book a chance you all had given me reasons to fight this block.
This chapter is dedicated to geema_p my fake sister in-law 😂😂😂 I cherish her sha

I was in the room of Stellamaris one of the twins along side her twin sister Damaris.
We were all sprawled on the medium size bed solving maths or more like further maths questions from the past questions compiled book for Unilag. The past two days I have spent in their house was spent answering questions from the exam PQ.

The twins had gotten the PQ for over two months now but I had just gotten hold of it a day after I arrived in Lagos.
I was doing most of the solving because the twins claimed they were tired of solving the questions over and over again.

"Me I am going to the sitting room oo, my head is hot I can't continue like this" Damaris the lighter twin said standing up from the bed. The twins looked more like their mum but shared their complexion amongst their mum and dad. Damaris took the light complexion of their mum while Stellamaris took the dark complexion of their dad.

" me too I have already missed spongebob I can't miss Victorious too" Stellamaris said also standing up.
The couple of days I have spent with them I found out that they were obsessed with Nickelodeon. Even in between studying they kept on grumbling like they were forced to read because they were missing out on their favorite shows.

" are you not coming with us?" Damaris asked looking at me with a questioning face.
" no oo I still have a lot to read" I said smiling at her
" okay ooo" she said following her sister who had already left the room.

I decided to leave the room too, to go Damaris room I shared with my mum.

" are you not reading again?" Stellamaris asked while laughing
" shebi I told you she would come" she added not waiting for my reply.
" I want to go and read in the other room since you both are no more in Stellamaris' room" I said and immediately walked away after seeing them nod their heads in understanding.

I sat on the only chair in the room which happens to be used with a table. I envy the twins they had everything they needed to live a good life. They were both girls but still had a room to themselves. Me having a room to myself back at home is as a result of the difference in gender of the three children my parents had.

My mum was seated on the bed and was helping me out with the current affairs questions in the PQ

" who is the governor of Lagos state?" She asked me.
I had memorized the names of all the governors of the thirty six states in Nigeria. But I was confused if the governor of Lagos name was Babatunde Fashola or Babajide Fashola.

My mum told me and we moved to other questions. When we weee done with the current affairs of the recent years she smiled at me and said "God crown your efforts with glory" which I responded with an amen with my eyes closed.

I answered the English past questions too and I could say I was seventy percent ready for the exam tomorrow.

By the time I was done it was already six pm. My mum had excused herself to go to the sitting room. I decided to give myself a break and also join them in the sitting room.

It was a Monday and both my uncle and his wife had gone to work.
We heard a car drive in and park properly. Few minutes later I the sound of someone's footsteps drawing nearer and the person opened the door.

" Ekaabo Ma" I greeted welcome in Yoruba as I placed my two kneels on the floor acknowledging the presence of my Uncle's wife who responded with a thank you also in Yoruba.
"Kaabo se kore ra" my mum asked in Yoruba if she isn't too tired
" ore ra ma oo shu gbon a dupe lowo olorun" she said acknowledging that she was tired but still grateful to God.

"Welcome mummy" the twins finally said taking off their eyes from the TV I was wondering when they did acknowledge the presence of their mum.

I knew they knew that the car which drove in belongs to their mum but they refused to go down and meet with her. I was very sure they knew I mean who wouldn't recognize the sound of his or her parent car I cold recognize that of my dad even if he was seven houses away from ours they were just over pampered and all.

" so girls hope you are prepared for the exam?"
My uncle who was now back from work asked as he shifted his gaze to us taking it off the TV screen
" yes dad we are fully prepared" the twins answered simultaneously. The sight of them doing and saying everything together was already getting annoying.
Because they were twins didn't mean they should not have their personal way of seeing things.
" yes sir I am somehow prepared" I answered trying to say something different which didn't go well with me because the reply I got from their mum came as if she planned on me saying something that would warrant it.

I got a speech. I would say a Novella kind of speech. You know we got the short story, novella and novel.
Her speech was the medium sized planned one.
" You better be prepared and not be somehow prepared. To gain admission into the University of Lagos is not a piece of cake. The school is highly competitive and I am sure the money to run it for you is not available so you better read and be fully prepared" bla bla bla she continued she even used the fact that she was asking me to read to insult the status of my family.

I would say I saw a bit of hurt on my mum's face. I just answered her with an okay ma
" so we are leaving the house by six tomorrow since the three of you exam is fixed for seven am.
Coincidentally the twins also had their exam on the twenty eight. One of them was applying for Law as me while the other wants to study Zoology. Damaris was the one going for Zoology.

Still seated in the sitting room with no care in the world after all the adults have gone to sleep we were watching a movie on Africa Magic.
" look at this unserious children are you not the same ones having exams tomorrow? won't you go in and sleep?" their mum asked and immediately we switched off the TV and left to our rooms.

I got to my room and laid down beside my mum. I closed my eyes but I couldn't sleep. I moved from the edge and back to the space I got from my mum on the bed many a times but I still couldn't sleep.

I was restless and I decided to take up the past questions book to study again using my mum's phone torchlight for it.
I studied for more than thirty minutes before sleep enveloped me.

Spongebobbbbbbb 🎶
Squarepantsssssssss 🎶
I love that cartoon I still feel I am addicted.
I can leave an interesting movie to watch it 😂😂😂 if you love sponge bob say ey ey 😂

Wow we are seeing another side of Abisola
Mehn the girl is jealous
Who wouldn't be😭
Those girls don't know what they have and they are making my baby look evil😂😂
Oya sha come and vote and comment
Encourage me nao 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Invite your friends to read ejoor
Next update coming soon don't know when though it can be today 😂😂😂


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