The end of this phase

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Uniforms were laying on the floor. Some of them were torn while some were just battered i mourned the uniforms that were been wasted.
Inconsiderate humans. There were many students who needed the uniforms they were destroying but they didn't care.

Some of the boys had pulled off their pants and their shirts while some removed just their shirt. The girls in my class were also not left out many off them had removed their shirts. The deep Muslims amongst us had just signed on their long hijabs.

I was reserving my uniform for a girl I saw like my school daughter in my brother's class.
We were done with all our WAEC exams which was the cause which they were all displaying their uncultured self for.

Though NECO was written after WAEC many of us would not be writing because the government does not pay for it and they were the reason we were able to write the WAEC.

Funnily enough many of these students who were destroying their uniforms would have to pay for another WAEC next year due to failure. Some would pass and would stay at home refusing to further more.

Many of the girls would get married and some were already married and would start giving birth after today.
I believed I would be part of the few who would pass and further more. My fears I was battling with and so I sat at the window side of my class thinking of what would happen to me.

I came down from the cab with my brother whom I had waited for since it was a Friday.
"Bisola do you think Mum and Dad will be able to cope with the bills the university will place on them?" Damilare asked has we walked home. " I seriously don't know but I believe God knows all and his thoughts for me are for good and not evil to give me an expected end"
" hmmm what if you fail the exam?" He asked again after sighing
" I won't fail I believe" I answered him already getting angry
" what if ABU does not offer you admission and your jamb wastes?" He asked again but this time already crossing his boundary " ehnnnn what is it? Can't you be positive? Abeg don't get me angry ooo I already told you God knows the answer just keep quiet and stop asking questions like a woman" I said in a stretch.
And immediately he shut up not saying a thing which gladdened my heart at the same time made me sad because he was looking sad.
I just ignored him and made the grasses on the road my muse till walking with my head low like a primary one pupil.
" okay am sorry didn't mean to snap at you like that but there are things you shouldn't say uhm you just have to trust God " when I couldn't bear the silent treatment he was giving me.

I was pounding yam for the engagement ceremony of a sister in our church. Her mother was my mother's closest friend. My mum had been in their house throughout yesterday and only came back around ten in the night which made me the mother of the house. Luckily for iya Tinu the wedding was fixed during the holidays it was August and so the turnout of people was massive.

The yorubas in Zaria liked to have a big wedding ceremony and even went as far as borrowing money for clothes and even the sponsoring of the wedding. Been in the north they took wedding ceremonies as a means to show off their culture especially the engagement ceremony and spent lavishly on the wedding.

I was the only young girl in the cooking arena and would have been saved from all the hard work If I had been more friendly with the bride maybe I would have been made one of her bridesmaids.

" omo iya Bisola wa Bambi ba maggi lowo iya Según Ninu ile( mummy Bisola's daughter come and help me collect maggi from Segun's mum who is inside the house)" a woman who was called iya kunu( mother of kunu. Kunu was the name Hausas call their locally made drinks) said to me. She was really weird didn't she know my name was Bisola why go through the stress of calling me Mummy Bisola's daughter. " okay Ma" I said quickly packing the pounded yam into the warmer not minding if it still needed finishing touches. If I should stall she would tag me as rude and report me to Iya Bisola( Bisola's mother) and I didn't want that.

We were in my Dad's car on our way home after the engagement ceremony. I would say the ceremony was eventful. Something funny had happened which I would not forget in a while.

In every Yoruba engagement ceremony for it to be fun there is usually an alaga iduro( women or a woman who anchors the event they are always Yoruba women who are very familiar with the culture, usually sweet talkers and good singers) and they are paid a good amount of money for their services.

They are also entitled to the money the bride or groom is been sprayed during the event.
The groom in this particular ceremony I will say is not really okay financially but tried to meet up with the standard of his wife to be family.

The alaga iduros in this ceremony had taxed the young man a lot which caused the young man to get frustrated. These were his words after one of the alaga iduro had requested for another unnecessary money and he requested for the mic which they gave to him " please I want to ask this question if you collect all the money I have what would I use to take care of your daughter? or do you want her to suffer?" after which he laughed leaving the two women embarrassed who used their own laughter to cover it up thereby provoking laughter from the audience.

" when is your result coming out" my dad asked me with his eyes fixed on the road
" I think next month" I answered
" okay" he simply said
With this I remembered I was done with a phase and the result will determine if I did move to another phase.

While writing this chapter I couldn't stop laughing.
How many of you got people with weird energy around you like Bisola's brother?
I hope you enjoy this chapter

Her Rise from The Slumsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن