The Royal Blacksmiths

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Lloyd's POV (Betcha you didn't expect this!)

"Ugh. Why musssst we sssstop if the next Fangblade is just ahead of ussss?" Skales asked Pythor. We were walking in this weird tomb thingy to find a Fangsword? I think that's what it's called. I wondered how Kaylee was doing, I hope she's okay and we can play some more pranks soon.

"What good is unlocking the Great Devourer with the four Fangbladesss, if we're not around to sssee it? Get the boy!" Pythor yells. I guess the Fangswords are Fangblades. Oh well, same thing.

"Bring the boy!" Skales yells and I am pushed forward. Pythor then cuts off my chains.

"Oh, you're letting me go?" I ask hopefully. Now I can get back to the Bounty and see Kaylee!

"Heh, only to fetch, my dear boy. Do step lightly." Pythor pushes me to the edge, where falling rocks marked a bottomless pit. "Bring me the Fangblade, and I'll let you go." Pythor smirks.

I begin running across, having slowly crossed the pit, dodging arrows and other really dangerous things.

"Oh!" I yell as an arrow nearly missed my head. "Woah!" I scream as the ceiling begins to cave in on me, as I finally reached the Fangblade, a stick broke, releasing huge amounts of rocks into the room, pushing me to the middle of it. I chuckle softly, thinking about how Kaylee would probably have tried to escape with her powers or sass Pythor. I couldn't wait until I see her again! I step up on the stairs thing, only to find out that it was gone. "It's gone!" I yell and I could hear some sounds of disappointment across the rocks and stuff. "Do I still get to be freed?" I asked.

"No!" Pythor snaps

"Ugh!" I pout. I was so close!

Kaylee's POV

"They got the first one, but there are three more, and we just need one to stop Pythor. They have a map, and we don't, so the question remains: how are we gonna find them first?" Nya points to the screen, where the 4 Fangblades were.

"I still can't get over the fact that you were the mysterious Samurai. Is anyone else blown away like I am?" Jay looks at Nya lovingly.

"We're over that. Can we move on?" Kai says, impatiently.

"Someone's a little hot under the collar." I tease.

"It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his full potential like you and I have, Jay." Zane reasons.

"Great observation, Mr. Roboto, but Cole and Kaylee haven't found it either." Kai snaps.

"I got it!" Cole cheers, holding a picture album.

"You've unlocked it? Oh, why am I the only one!?" Kai moans and I punch his arm.

"I still haven't gotten my True Potential yet idiot."

"No, I figured out where I recognized the Fangblade from. I have a picture of it." Cole reports.

"Oh, haha, is that it? Heh. Good." Kai sheepishly says. Cole opens the album to show a gold trophy with the Fangblade embedded in it.

"That's it!" Jay points to the blade.

"Back when I grew up, there's this pretty big competition where every year the winner gets the Blade Cup. My dad won it multiple times." Cole explains.

"You never told us your dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?" Zane asks.

"Oh, h-he's a, uh...a blacksmith." Cole stutters.

" Nothing wrong with that. My father was a blacksmith, too. But I've never heard of a competition—" Kai adds.

"That's because he's not a "blacksmith" blacksmith. He's a...Royal Blacksmith." Cole flips a page to show his dad with a music quartet, all holding the Blade Cup.

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