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A/N: Thank you for getting this far in the series and I hope you like the rest!

Warnings: Drug and alcohol use, violence, abuse, sex scenes, rape mentions.


*Two years later*

Kellin's POV:

Funerals were supposed to be difficult, right? I'm supposed to stand here and mourn after losing someone I knew. The custom was that I was supposed to cry, wasn't I? I wasn't though. Not a single tear would be shed today because I hated the person getting lowered into the ground. He had caused so much pain in my life and there was no better satisfaction than seeing him finally get what was coming to him.

"Are you okay?" Justin said from my side and squeezed my hand a little tighter. I look at my boyfriend of three months and nodded.

"You know I don't feel anything for him," I said. Or feel anything for anyone for that matter. My heart was as stone and that was okay by me because that just means nobody can get to it and hurt it again. Justin, I guess, was an exception. I needed someone constant in my life; someone to keep me somewhat on the right track to life since these past couple of years I had been all over the place. Justin was there. He was the only one who could deal with me and somehow just knew what I was thinking. He was the only one that knew everything that happened in my past and he accepted it. He accepted my depression. He accepted me acting out. He picked me right back up when I went out on all night drinking binges. And accepted that I could never love him how he loves me. I know that wasn't fair to him, but I gave him plenty of opportunities to walk away but he never did.

"But he was your dad, after all," Justin pointed out.

"I don't fucking care what he was to me," I snapped in a quiet voice so no one heard. My grandparents were a few feet away from us crying their eyes out. When they first got news that my father had died in a prison riot they asked for his body to be brought back here, to Michigan, to be buried.

Michigan was also my home now too. I left the guys and the band about a month after I realized that there was no way of getting Vic back. I called Jesse and took him up on his offer to be in his band. I told him I needed to get out of California, but didn't tell him why, and so we left for Michigan since coincidentally his family also lived here. He brought his friend, Gabe, with us who plays the drums and the three of us spent a couple of months living at his parent's large house until we had saved a little money from the part time jobs and moved into an apartment together. We were a slow start as a band because we didn't have a bass player yet, but about a year after moving to Michigan I ran into Justin one day. Justin and I had known each other when we were younger so we decided to catch up and when he told me he could play bass I invited him to meet Jesse and Gabe and they agreed to let him be in the band. Shortly after we found Jack, our second guitar player after Jesse, and now the five of us live in an apartment above a music studio that we rented out quite often to track demos.

Justin and I just kind of clicked. We didn't date straight away because I was a mess at the time that we met again, and still am a mess now but like I said, he accepted it. I don't think it was really an official thing like, we didn't speak about being in a relationship. But one day we just started hooking up, which wasn't unusual for me. I had my fair share of flings since Vic left me. With Justin though it went to more than a fling and one day he just didn't leave my bed and he was there every night and he told me he loved me and I guess that was how I ended up in an actual relationship.

"He was a murderer," I said bluntly, finally answering him. He knew better not to argue with me, especially about this. I was adamant in my ways about my father. I couldn't even begin to explain the feelings I got when I got the phone call telling me that he had died. I smiled a real smile for the first time in two years. Maybe that makes me a horrible person to smile over someone's death, but I truly believe he deserved it.

Have Faith In Me (Sequal to IHBNY and Trust) (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now