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{Edited some stuff!

Kids ran around with wooden swords and too big princess dresses, laughter filled to room, almost warming it up. And of course in the middle f it all was Roman with his baggy red sweater and paper crown. He was ten years old and he wanted to be a prince. And Roman knew that he did. 

There were a lot of things Roman didn't understand at his age. 

He didn't understand why the big tall mean people took Remus and him away from Mum and Dad. 

He didn't understand why Miss David said that Remus was really sick and something called Psychosis and he had to get all grown up and talk to adults and couldn't go with him to live with Patton and Logan.

 Roman didn't think it was Remus fault that Remus didn't like to talk to other kids and liked to talk to his Alice in Wonderland book. 

Roman thought that it was mean of the adults to say that Remus was messed up.

 He had heard Miss David and Mister Walker talking about Remus in the hallway when it had been much past Roman's bedtime but he had been having nightmares and didn't want to sleep.

"Megan that kid is screwed up. He doesn't talk and we have to stop him from pricking his hand on anything he can find. He's some type of future murder! What type of seven year old can sit for hours on hours and read about killers and wars and not be scared. He draws pictures of himself covered in blood and hiding a closet with a book"

Roman hadn't understood why Mister Walker had said that was weird because Roman remembered when that happened. Remus had been talking to his wonderland book again and the big kids got mad. And Remus liked to be in closets when he was crying.

"I don't care! Megan you will not be sending Roman and Remus to the same home and that is final"

Roman knew that it was mean of Mister Walker to do that.

 Roman missed Remus. But he didn't ever tell Patton and Logan that because he didn't want them to get mad.

He smiled as he looked at Patton and Logan. Miss David had told him that Patton and Logan were his new dads. But that was two years ago so he wasn't sure if that was still true. 

He really liked hanging out with Patton and Logan. He really did.

So that's why he got scared when he saw the orphanage again. Patton and Logan had told him to stay in the car so he did. He did look out the window though. They were in there for a long time. A really long time. But the came out. Patton was holding a really little kid. He might have been 4 years old. he was also chewing on his jacket sleeve. Patton set the kid down next to Roman

"Roman this is Virgil, but he likes to be called Vivi. He's gonna be your new little brother"

He tilted his head at the little boy who seemed so small and scared in his seat with his knees drawn to his chest. Roman held out his hands for a hug but Virgil just looked away his dark curls falling in his face. Patton sighed and buckled him in, giving him a weak smile as he went to go drive them home. 

Few more things that Roman didn't understand at his age

Roman didn't understand why Virgil still had faint busies and cuts. and he certainly didn't understand why he jumped at any noise or movement and covered his ears.

Roman didn't understand why Virgil didn't talk to anyone and cried a lot. And why Virgil never took off his jacket and flapped his hands when he was happy and hit the back of his neck when he sad. and why Virgil liked to twril around and giggle.

Logan called it autism. 

Roman called it overreacting

There was one thing Roman did understand though. He liked having Virgil around but hated that he couldn't just talk like a normal kid.

So he put a plan in motain to get Virgil talk even though Patton and Logan had warned him so many times not to do that.

He was going to be a prince

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