Logan and Virgil

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Logan kissed Patton cheek as he went to take Roman to school, and Virgil was hugging a yellow stuffed bear as he watched The Princess and The Frog. Logan gave a smile at the little boy before booting up his computer. 

He typed in the name Delilah Willows and a bunch of news stories came up. There was a picture of him from a video he had took with his friends. Logan noted that his friends, Remy and Emile had gone missing as well ad only Emile had been found. Janus had curly hair that was curly, much like Patton's. The ends were a honey brown the roots growing it black as Janus was starting to grow up and his hair was changing. It reached his mid back in this shot. They appeared to be at the park riding their bikes. Janus also had a shirt that said the name of a band on the back.

Logan clicked on the link to the video, and it was just teenagers messing around. Listening to music and being kids.

He thought to look into other pages about the boy.

"Delilah Willow was born to two high schoolers. The mother had remained anonymous and left the custody of the girl to Brad Willows. She died due to child birth. Brad ended up buying an apartment after high school to raise his child. He got a girlfriend after her five month birthday. When Delilah was one and half the pair got married. They had happy marriage and in the December of her tenth year of age, Delilah got a baby brother. His name has been changed and been put in an orphanage due to his parents not having the resources to care for a mentally ill child after their oldest disappearance. She had a warm and bubbly personality and was good in school. After a fight with her father she stormed out. When she didn't come out later that night Brad got worried and called the cops.  She has been yet to be found."

Logan mused over the story and tried to bring all the bits together. He read report after report and it said mostly the same thing. Delilah had a fight and stormed out and never came back.

He doubted it. From the pure fear in her eyes and they way she ran. The way you ran was a habit. Roman ran like a someone trying to get back home because they left the oven on. Mostly because he had brought himself up. Patton ran like a girl who had just saw a flower and was going to pick it. Virgil didn't run. No. he bolted. He was quick to get out and could get away from anything.

But Janus? He ran like someone running from their worst fear. Like at any moment he excepted to be yanked back by his hair. 

He started to click though some other things about the boy and sighed again. He found some reports of cops finding a bloody Mary Jane that tested positive for his blood. It was assumed he died.

Logan was looking at a video of him sitting on a roof top with his friends when he heard a soft voice behind him 


It was Virgil, who was quick to get up onto Logan's lap and pointed at the screen with a wide smile. He said the nickname again as he scanned the video. Logan of course was a bit more then shocked then realized. 

Who better to get the story from, then someone who was there when it happened?

He nodded, holding his son closer. He felt a bit guilty about thinking that. "Yes Virgil. Deedee" Virgil giggled as Logan gave him a soft kiss on the head "He'ths a boy ya know?" The little boy spoke with a lisp "Yes I know. But how do you know?" 

Virgil hadn't seemed to notice yet that he was talking, actually talking and he hadn't gotten in trouble.

Logan took Virgil to the counter and started to boil a kettle of water. He remembered that Virgil had an liking for tea. That story was quite cute. Patton been boiling water for dinner and Virgil had gasped, running outside. Logan followed to make sure he stayed safe. He had grabbed some dry fall leaves and crushed them up before bolting back inside. Virgil held them up to Patton who had laughed

"What are those for kiddo?"

He pointed to the gurrling water

"The water?" 

Virgil nodded.

"What are we going to do once we put them in?"

He made a drinking motian with his free hand

"Drink it?"

A nod

"So you mean tea?"

Virgil had jumped up and down, giggling and nodded once he said tea.  

"I'm sure Lolo will help you make some!"

Back to the moment at hand.  Virgil was babbling. He was quite the talkative child sometimes.

"Oh! Deedee just told me. that'ths it" He swung his feet as he traced the patterns of the stone. He wriggled around, flapping his hands. Virgil also chewed on his sleeve. Logan nodded and poured the water in the mug, put a tea bag in it starting to let it steep. 

Logan let Virgil talk, it was mostly just him babbling some vague stuff about them playing guitar together and his brother and father getting into fights often but noting really evident. It wasn't until five minutes later when they were both sipping their tea did Virgil say something that caught his father's attention quicker then you would see yellow on a black background. Which funny enough, seemed to be Janus's favorite colors

" 'umtimeths we got in trouble and Dad would get mad and that would hurt-" Logan frowned and quickly cut him off, worry building up in him. He loved his kids deeply and even them talking about getting hurt broke his heart. 

"Hurt? What do you mean it hurt?"

{Aaah! A cliffhanger! So sorry Loves It's getting late and I have to get a chapter out! See you tomorrow Loves! ~Lost}

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