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Patton hummed sweetly as he sat in the car, the tune filling up the space. He waited for his husband to get back from wherever he had wandered to now. After all Patton didn't want to leave his kids with a babysitter for to long. He didn't want his anxious baby to get to worried. Logan slipped in the car

"Oh baby you're gonna get a cold? What caught your eye this time?" Patton giggled as he started to drive. Logan often would see a bug or stone, sometimes moss an wander off into his own world. Patton thought it was the cutest thing ever. It had led to many warm summer nights of finding Logan with a bug cupped in his hand, eyes sparkling. 

"A fight" Logan said dully his mind still thinking up everyplace that Janus could have gone off to. He had heard that he was adept at makeup and could change what he looked like easily. He didn't have time to notice the worried look in his lovers eyes

"A fight Lolo? That's not good! Did anyone get hurt?" His soft blue eyes looked at Logan with pure worry and fear flooding them. Logan himself was already drowning in those feeling so he didn't need a flood. 

"Um- No not that I could tell" Logan didn't know why he lied to Patton, maybe it was because he didn't want him to worry anymore. 

"Oh! I guess that's better." He smiled his worry fading a little bit. Logan sighed and pulled out his phone, going to the photos app.

"Patton dearest, Do you know who this person is?" Logan showed him the picture and Patton made a yuck face. 

"Yeah, that's my ex. Remember the ass hat Brad? That's him" Now Patton didn't like to swear but he really didn't like Brad. He was an all around bitch.

Logan ahed and put the phone away "thought he looked like some one I knew." Well that just made this a whole lot more personal to Logan

{Sorry for the short chapter loves! I'll have a much longer one for you tomorrow. Much longer ~Lost}

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