Patton and Logan

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Roman tapped his hands on the couch as he looked out the window for his parents to get home. Virgil was curled up in a fluffest blanket next to him, yawning. 

Their baby sitter, a young man with brown hair the tips bleached into blond called Asher was trying to get them into bed. Roman was as stubborn as ever. Virgil however, gladly let himself be carried up the stairs and to his bed. Asher flicked the night light on with his foot before going downstairs to pled with Roman some more.

"I. don't. wanna!" Roman kicked his feet as he looked out the window

"You're goning to bed, if you want to or not" Asher said, folding his arms and a frown making his way onto his face.

"I wanna make sure Patton and Logan come home!" He said, voice almost teary

"Kid, I promise they will."

"But what if they don't! What if they drove away and never came back just like Daddy did?" He yelled, keeping his eyes glued to the window. 

Patton frowned softly as he heard their conversation. They had come though the back door as to not disturb any sleeping kids and the front door had a bell on it as it used to be an old bakery.

"Aww kiddo. We would never!" He dropped his bag by the door and wrapped Roman up in a tight dad hug. Logan ran his hands though Roman hair for a berif moment, befor going to pay the sitter. 

Patton carried Roman up to his room, with promises of a bed time story leaving his lips. He set him down on the bed and smiled "So what book do you want me to read?" Roman giggled

"Alice in Wonderland!" He said at once. He still had never told Patton about his brother and the agencey never told the adopting couple so they had no idea Remus was a person. 

"Of course!" Patton stood up and looked on the nightstand before finding the wanted item. 

Roman snuggled close to Patton as he read the book. He giggled and yawned, Patton pulling the white and gold covers over him. Roman was asleep before they got to the bottom of the rabbit hold. He kissed his forehead good night before heading downstairs. 

Logan was looking stuff up on to computer before Patton picked him up. Patton was strong boy, he had done cheer-leading since he was six and was a spotter.

"Patton! Try not to scare me so much dear!" He stumbled for his words but leaned into Patton's touch. 

"Oh! Sorry about that Darling. But it's late so you need get into pajammas so we can cuddle" He pouted a little bit as he started up the stairs. Logan rolled his eyes but agreed

About twenty minutes later, they were curled up in their bed. Patton's leg was on top on Logan's and had an arm around his chest. The other arm was on Logan's shoulder, his head snuggled into the crook of his neck. Logan had both arms wrapped around Patton's hips as the two slept. Just lovebugs.

{Ok, I can't decide so you guys tell me who you want to next chapter to be about. Janus and Remus, Logan and his research about the Willows family? Or maybe some fluff with Virgil and Roman playing at the park. You tell me! And I know I published a chapter already today, but Imma post this now, give the vote some time to take place. Buh bye loves! ~Lost}

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