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Virgil didn't like the smell of smoke. He new it was just coming from he food that Patton had burnt but he really didn't like it. It reminded him of his dad. The small boy pressed two hands to his nose an closed his eyes tight. He wished his brother was here to hug him. But Patton picked him up and hugged him so that was nice. He still missed his brother though. Logan called Roro his brother but Virgil thought that was silly. Roro wasn't his brother.

"Come on Kiddo! Let's get you some crayons and some paper so you can do some coloring. Because you like coloring don't you?" Patton smiled sweetly at him and Virgil nodded. He really liked to color. It was his favorite thing to do! A candy like giggle escape him as he grabbed his favorite colors. Black, Purple, Yellow. Patton set a notebook on the coffee table and let Virgil sit on his lap. He drew shapes for a little while before Roro called down the stairs 

"Hey Vivi! Wanna come play with me?" Virgil nodded to Patton who let him rush off upstairs. It was almost scary how quietly he moved like if he made any noise something terrible would happen. It broke Patton's heart every-time. 

The two boys were playing a game of make believe and Roman was the Prince of course and Virgil was the dame in distress. A stuffed bear was  a dragon. Even though Virgil thought that it was silly. The bear wasn't a dragon. He wished his brother was here t explain. His brother explained everything. 

"Vivi you don't understand! If the prince is gonna save you, you have to yell for help so the Prince knows you need help!" He stomped his feet and folded his arms. 

Virgil shook his hands and mouthed help. That's what his brother taught him to do so their dad wouldn't get mad. Roman pouted "No! No! No! You have to yell help!" He tossed his sword down "Yell help!" Virgil shook his head. He wished his brother was here to tell him if it was ok to talk. 

The two kept fighting about it with Roman getting more and more upset. 

"Just talk! JUST TALK ALREADY" Roman jumped up and down as Virgil ran past him with his hands over his ears.  Of course Logan and Patton ran up the stairs to see what was going on. Roman explained and Logan frowed 

"Roman we told you that he doesn't want to talk right now. He just doesn't feel safe talking to us for the time being. You can't force him to talk"

"But I want him feel safe! He should feel safe! We don't have guns or knives or nothing! It is safe here!"

Logan sighed. He really couldn't think that a seven year old would understand "I know. Virgil is just different, alright?" He patted Roman's head and smiled before going with Patton to find where Virgil had hid.

Virgil hid whenever he got upset. Turns out Virgil was really good at hiding himself. 

Two hours later Patton found Virgil hiding behind a bag of paintbrushes in a box, in the closet. Again he was good at hiding. 

It was really when Roman peered around the corner and saw Patton reading a book to a teary eyed Virgil that he realized

He hadn't been a prince at all. He had been really mean in fact

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