Logan and Virgil 2

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{hey! It's finally here! The end of the cliffhanger! sorry for doing that guys. I'm glad you like the book !!  Ya' all ready for some Lolo and Virgil being confused and angsty? ~Lost}

"Hurt? What do you mean hurt?"

Virgil blinked and looked into his plastic mug. "I dunno. I mean he got mad and it would hurt. That'ths happenths when people get mad. They pull your hair, thslap you and juthst hurt ya a bunch."

Logan frowned and held Virgil closer "Oh no darling that's not what should happen at all, even if someone gets mad."

"But ithsn't it? If they get mad then that meanths you did something bad so it'ths ok!"

Logan felt his heart break. He hugged Virgil "Nonononono that's not true. No one should hit you ever"

Virgil didn't say much after that. Logan let him slid off his lap and go back to watching cartoons. Logan looked over at him, a bi worried for the child before remembering what Janus had said to him before running off. That didn't help- it just made him want to cry

"Virgil do you ever think about dying?"

"thometimeths" This just got Logan more worried. But he wasn't a doctor


"I don't wanna get in trouble-"

Logan sighed and sat down next him. This whole thing was going deeper then he thought. It scared him right to his core just how relaxed this child was talking about topics like that. He was starting to feel like he was tangled in a spider web, with evadance everywhere and the answer, so so close but he was to wrapped up in other things

"You won't"

Virgil didn't say anything after that. He went back to not talking. Logan watched Virgil as he kept his eyes on the screen. He seemed so calm, so peaceful. Not sad and upset. He just seemed like a normal little kid. It made him wonder about Roman, and if he was the same way. He wanted so bad to keep these kids safe from the world but how could he do that when they had already been exposed to the most terrible horrors the world had to offer?


{Hahahahahahahahhaha fooled ya! You thought this was a chapter about Logan and Virgil? But no! It's some good old Janus content!!!!}

Janus looked at the younger kid in front of him. He said his name was Remus and he was 10 years old. Janus knew he looked older then he actually was. Many people assumed he was 14 or 15 but he was actually 12 with a birthday in two months.

And right now, pretty golden curls fell around him as Remus cut them off. He had asked Remus to help and they were having fun. It was an abandoned school building, outdated and no one used it, yet no one wanted to tear it down. 

Janus looked at the mirror. His black curls framed his face and hung in his eyes. There wasn't any trace of the blond part of his hair anymore. It felt wonderful. He looked at the fragile- almost water like green eyes looking at him in the glass. His scars didn't seem as ugly and his long lashes didn't feel as girly like. It felt like he was finally real.

Remus jumped up and down "Jay-jay you look so cool!" A short gasp escaped him "Do a twirl!" 

The older one complied and spun around. Remus clapped still jumping. Janus worked at the grocery mart a few blocks away. It had a terrible hire system and they had no idea that "Delilah" worked there. And with that money, Janus had bought a few new clothes for the two of them. 

Remus had an Alice in wonderland tee shirt with some jeans

And Janus a nice yellow baggy sweater with some jeans. 

None of the doctors had even missed Remus. They hadn't even noticed he was gone.

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